If shared dreaming exists......

Now i’m sick of using this discussion to remove a nail in your head. That’s it, i’m done talking to you.

So I was thinking that we could start this all over again.

Well, duh. If it did, insane people would have literal BSODs, and the brain would hog up the memory, literally.
The brain is a much more basic computer - a biological Turing machine, not an x86.
A neuron is connected to one neuron, two neurons, has charge, does not carry a charge. That’s it. No Windows Forms, no C#, just a bunch of cells. Modern medicine has enough understanding of the brain to know that. And if the brain had an OS, it would be Linux or a *BSD.

Wow, I thought the LD4all community was more mature than this. This argument is almost worthy of a Youtube comments section…

*Czaranis hides before Paulius, Emil and Dragonmind flay him alive

it was actually a pretty interesting read :tongue:
i would love shared dreams (imagine: a “dream reunion” of the members of the forum, having the most amazing Lucid dream ever :twirl: ), but i guess if it is possible we will need at best decades to develop a prototype of a dream-sharer
EDIT: also i think the most difficult thing of such a machine would be “synchronising” the dreamers, since just copying the dream in someone elses mind wouldn’t be enough, you would have to make everything “interact”

Very interesting read, regardless of who’s side you stand on.

Regarding a prototype dream-sharer device, I don’t think its too far of a stretch to be possible. Assuming the brain works on signals running through neurons, Id think its theoretically possible to scan the brain and be able to interpret what the signals are saying. Maybe insert signals to create specific dreams. But yeah, it’ll be years of research before anything like that is discovered.

Yes, i think it would be possible (even if “possible” means decades of researching funded with billions of dollars :grin: ), but i think “moving” your consciousness somewhere else, for example a computer, is, if not necessary, very important:
because having two dreamers connected, what would happen to the dream? It’s not something that “exists” in a physical state, it’s in their minds, and both would be in control (at least subconsciously) of the dream, but it’s not possible for the dream to be in 2 different states at the same time (like Paulius said, quantum mechanics don’t work that way :tongue: ).
The best way for such a device to exist (at least that comes to my mind) would be to transfer the dream to a machine, and give the the administration of the changes a mind could make to the dream.
Doesn’t seem to simple, right? :sad: And re-transmitting the dream to the dreamer is also complicated, connecting cables to every neuron of your brain doesn’t seem very practical…

Why not ? I mean, if i’m not informed wrong, the thoughts are elctromagnetical waves, if it is possible to send and receive this electromagnetical waves then theorethically it is possible to share a dream, but again there is the problem that this isn’t proved scientiffically, and even if it were proved, then the distance you could go wouldn’t be farther then a few meters. Personally i don’t think it’s possible to share a dream, because in a lucid dream the dream is listening to you, and your commands, but if you were in other people dream, who the dream will listen to ? Both of you ? Then it may cause a “Fight” between minds. None of you ? Then you could share a happy nightmare. Only the one that possesed the dream or the one that entered the dream ? Then eventually one of them would lose lucidity, and for the other one to “awaken” him again and again…it wouldn’t be very… anyway… another major problem is that the dreams are in OUR subconcious so, if an person would enter other person dream the subconcious might not react well, anyway i hope you see my point. Theoretically it might be possible but there are lots of other things that we should think of when we imagine the possibility of shared lucid dreaming.