If you die in a dream, do you die in real life?

Or if you were dying of something else and felt the same dying experience in your dream.

If I had a dollar for every time I died in a dream, I would be a rich rich man :content:

Indeed, the earliest dream I can remember happened when I was about 7 or so, and a steamroller ran over me, but all that happened was that I awoke.

Every time I have died in a dream, the result have only been waking up. Sometimes in uncomfortable SP, but always waking up.

Yeah, I have died in my dreams many times too, my cousin was over her, I’m really getting her into LD, and she kept asking me about dying in dreams, I kept telling her that I was pretty sure you can’t actually die IRL from a dream, but some crazy 1 out of 1000000000000 coincidence could happen. But interesting outlooks on it.

Topic moved to “Stuff Dreams are made of” and merged to a thread about the same question: “Do you die when you die in dreams?”

I’ve died a lot of times in dreams. Sometimes I wake up, sometimes the dream continues and I’m a ghost. You can find similar reports in this more general thread about dying in dreams:

I love being shot in dreams. I get that famous “bullet spray” the way they do in movies and the force of the bullets keeps my body from falling to the ground and in my mind I am thinking, “Ok, I can die now. Ok, I can die NOW. OK, how about…NOW?” And the bullets just keep coming and I keep waiting to die. Finally when the moment comes I wake up.
If you die in your dreams will you die in real life?
If you eat food will you die in real life?
If you go to sleep will you die in real life?
If you live life will you die in real life?
Well, yes. Eventually.
But does it happen simultaneously with the dream? Not every time you dream you die, but maybe when people die in their sleep they dream of it.
I hope so. I mean, I want to be conscious one way or another for my death. Too much of an important moment to be unaware of.

Honestly can anyone really say for sure? Because if you are dead you can’t come back and say…wow I died because I was having this realistic dream and I fell off a cliff and…

Anyways…I have committed LD suicide numerous times. Just to kind of see what would happen. And I’m still around so I definitely don’t believe that you will die in real life if you die in your dreams but that’s just from my personal experience.

I used to be a firm believer that NO ONE would die in real life if they died in their dreams and used to give people crap for believing otherwise. But that was before I knew a young person who died in their sleep and there was no cause at all that any doctors would find. Now, why some people inexplicably die in their sleep? Honestly I don’t know but it causes me to believe that maybe there is more to this than some of us might think.

Aquanina, ppl can die in their sleep but cannot die because they were dying in their dreams.

Ohhh ok. Well that explains everything. Thanks for that in depth and enlightening response. :wink:

Haha :content: , it could be short, but i think straight to the point is better sometimes. Instead of hollow blah blah blah i would prefer a strong short one.

Well if its possible is it a VERY good reason to practise ld !

i’ve died in my dream once, i got a big rock on me, it started to feel numb and it got black in front of my eyes, it’s the first dream i remembered

Ummm… I like BenDrummin’s response on this topic. Our body must have some sort of defense mechanism for it. Plus we are only dreaming.

I’ve died plenty of times in my dreams and I’m here posting. I’ve never watched myself be buried or cremated, that might be interesting.

But I’ll be sure to come back and tell someone whether I died during a dream :tongue:

We even have a biological defence for falling alseep :tongue:
It’s called a myoclonic jerk. You might have had one, where your falling alseep and you suddenly ‘jerk’ awake. What happens is the Brain thinks that the body is dying, when it is just falling asleep, so it sends this jerk to wake you up before you ‘die’.

Ever thought of coincidence? People just die sometimes for no obvious reason… this means it could happen when you sleep too. It’s rare for sure with young people, but not impossible.

so does the body truly think you are dying? B/c I’ve experienced this myoclonic jerk but not when I’m actually dying during a dream.

It’s the brain that thinks your dying, when really your just falling asleep. Its the drop in respiration which causes this if I’m not mistaken.

So does this always happen? Or are we just not conscious of every jerk?

Because thank goodness we have a plan B. If plan A fails (i.e. brain) then we have plan B.

With that said. Is it possible that someone die for real during a dream of death? I still think not but what’s your give?

It happens a lot in cases where a person has sleep apnea because of the stop in your respirations. I’ve nly had one once or twice as far as I can remember, so I’m not to sure how common they are.

Maybe if it was a huge coincidence :tongue: