Ignoring distractions

I don’t know about you, but I need absolute silence and total darkness or I can’t get to sleep. This means that I can’t get back to sleep after I wake in the mornings a lot of the time.
Do you think it’s possible to learn to fall asleep in less nominal conditions?

I’m going to try raising the amount of light/noise a fraction each night:
I’ll start with just leaving the blinds open, then put my radio on really quietly, and then a bit louder, etc, etc ,etc…

Hopefully I’ll eventually be able to sleep standing up. (or at least sitting up in lectures…) :wink:

yeah i have this problem :sad: or at least i find it difficult to go to sleep when theres light. also, theres the ticking of my clock… sometimes my mind is drifting off and i notice it and have to try and ignore it and start again :grrr:

also, adding to this i have a problem - when i ‘look through’ my eyelids (or look at the blackness for HI sometimes they end up open which is kinda dodgy - so what i think is a dream/HI is actually just my room through the corner of my eyes! :eh: can someone help with this please?

I CAN’T get to sleep in silence anymore. I got so used to having a fan running at school 24/7 that it seems odd without it. Keep increasing the noise, you’ll get used to it for certain

Yeah it sure is possible, to learn to ignore such distractions… I was like that before, i had trouble sleeping even when someone was whispering in the room next to me, if music was on it was impossible…

But then one day i got myself an athlon cpu, which need cooling, so i had a cpu fan which gave nearly 50db of noise!! In the beginning i had trouble sleeping, but after a few weeks it got better, now if i turn my pc of, i have trouble sleeping :wink:

Now i can even sleep with music…

ahhh thanx :smile: maybe if i try opening the curtains a bit or leaving quiet music on ill get somewhere, and find it easier to sleep

Why the hell do you want make it harder to fall asleep???if you have problems with sleeping you should be doing something opposite.Or somethings wrong with me?
Instead of trying to get used to distractions get rid of them-use ear plugs and if you need more get the sleeping mask(like on the plane)-they soft and easy,and cheap.

The ear plugs and eye masks are great especially for WILDs in the morning when you need to cut everything out.

Ear plugs turn your hearing inward so you can hear your breathing, heart beating etc and can set up a WILD situation with more ease.

Also try a few drops of lavendar, sandlewood or ylang ylang esential oils on the reverse of your pillow.

The smell is very evocotive and can both relax you and send you off dreaming.

jack, i meant it so that i can get used to sleeping through distractions :smile: and thx for the tips ppl, ill try and get hold of one of those masks and some earplugs as soon as i can. if i cant ill have to use socks or sumthing in the meantime :mrgreen_hat: (i know its a jesters hat but it looks a bit like socks)

I can fall asleep with lights on. It works best if it’s a bright light directly on my eyelids, sorta like taking a nap under the sun on a beach. If it’s off to the side then it becomes annoying.

Yeah… I can’t get to sleep unless I have a laser pointed at at least one eye at about a 35 degree angle from my pillow…


Actually, I have a quiet computer that helps me fall asleep, but I can sleep in most conditions. I prefer a loud fan or some small ambient noise, but as long as it is uniform over time (eg, silence) I am fine.

What REALLY gives me problems is my little sisters in the morning. Fortunately, it is no longer summer (for them) and now they don’t run around laughing at 11:00 AM (don’t they know some people are trying to sleep?!?!) :content:

"Yeah… I can’t get to sleep unless I have a laser pointed at at least one eye at about a 35 degree angle from my pillow… "