I'm confused...I think I had a lucid dream within a dream.

Hi, this is my first post =] If this is in the wrong section, then I’m really sorry. Just tell me, and I’ll happily move it.

Now, onto my question. Last night, I was having a normal dream and in the dream, my dream character started to control the dream. I really don’t think I was controlling it, because it seemed like any other dream- not more real or anything.
Anyway, the really strange thing is that my dream character was doing the exact things that I want to do when I become lucid. It was requesting to go places to go that I’ve thought that I want to do, and also, it conjoured up a people who I’d planned to conjour up lol! I even remember it spinning around to stay lucid!

It might have been me doing it, but as I said before, it seemed like any other dream, and I’m sure I’d realise I was having my first LD!!

Also, I have another question. Quite often, when I’m really sleepy, and on the verge of being asleep, I have weird thoughts. Thoughts that are totally irrelevant, and they just kind of come to me instead of me thinking them. Could I try to start WILD then? Or am I too close to being asleep?

Thank you so much if anybody actually gets through this HUGE post hehe, and even more so if you answer. I love the idea of LDing. I hope I have one soon!!

Hi and :welcome:
It is possible to have a dream where your mind sort of plays out what might happen if you were to get lucid, without you actually being lucid. This is called a false lucid dream (FLD for short.) It could be that this is what happened to you. From what you typed that is what I would be inclined to believe.

With WILD your objective is to go from being awake to being asleep, so it’s not really possible to be too close to being asleep, unless you fall into an ND that is. :wink: Do these thoughts come with vivid images or are they just thoughts? I think that either way it’s a sign that you are getting closer to sleeping. :smile:

Thanks for answering =] Sorry I’ve taken so long to reply!

Cool, I didn’t know there was a name for it. I think that is what I had. Next time I start having weird thoughts, I’m definitely gonna try WILD. |Thanks! =]

This happened to me too.

It’s frustrating because, even when your DREAMING ABOUT LUCID DREAMING you still can’t become lucid. I was annoyed when I woke up from one of these dreams.