[b]Had a huge fail at having a lucid dream last night… T_T But at least I’m getting better! After setting my alarm for 7:00am I did a bit of meditation which went really well and then I went to bed whilst listening to some ambient music and doing MILD. I woke up the next morning before my alarm went off and I was attempting WILD, I was doing it for quite a while using a whole bunch of methods, but mainly just trying to fall asleep. I gave up and just fell asleep after about 50 minutes, those 50 minutes went by very quickly though. I went onto my side position, it was about 8:30am and I kept drifting in and out of dreams until my main dream started.
Me and Freya(my girlfriend) were driving home, we both had our own car, mine was small and black and hers was a blue colour, I could talk to her telepathically I think as I could hear her thoughts very easily. She was in front of me and I was staying closely behind, she kept telling me to watch out as I was getting very close, my brakes weren’t working all that well so I had to really press down hard to make the car slow down even just a bit. We came to my house and somehow I was in front all of a sudden so I pulled into the driveway first, she pulled up next to me and I was like “wow…I didn’t know so many cars can fit in this driveway.” Freya replied. “it’s because we are pro” a few moments passed and I walked back out onto our driveway which is at my old house which I moved from over 1 year ago now, I walked outside to see mine and Freya’s cars had disappeared I was confused for quite a while whilst walking around trying to figure out where they were, so as I was walking around I did a very quick nose pinch RC because it was all getting a bit weird. The RC failed and I stayed in the normal dream, YAY. Then the dream got even weirder and cars kept teleporting on and off the driveway, my DAD was working on his van which was on the side walk and it was jacked up, I think he was changing a wheel. Then I saw Freya in the distance yelling at me and telling me what she was doing, she had this button that when she pressed it, it changed the position of all the cars, I was still a bit freaked out but not enough to realise just how much crazy stuff was going on to become LUCID!!! [/b]
Oh boy It’s understandable, the rush of happenings mirrors the rush of thoughts you’d probably experience if you were to become lucid at that time. No matter, you’re very close for good, try and imagine what would have happened if you really had become lucid at that time! It’s great practice
Good luck and sweet dreaming!
instead of “aw, bummer” I’ll just say “grats!!” seriously, the fact that you went from finding things weird to “this might be a dream” to doing a RC is REALLY good.
RC’s fail sometimes specially if you aren’t really paying attention to it. What I used to do when I had problems with that is I’d first breathe in through my nose normally. Then I’d pinch my nose and try to breathe in the same way, while imagining the feeling I just had of air passing.
Thats awsome that you went for the RC means you sooo close, i had to do the RC 3 times the other night. your mind will do mental gymnastics to rationalize whats happening. ive noticed this in my dream journal with how i make stuff apear.
Thank You Mattias!!! That’s RC sounds alot easier to accomplish by first of all getting the feeling. I always did breathing out, then holding my nose, and try to breathe in.
i know… last night in my dream i was in a usual LDreamsign spot and i even thought “this could be a dream” didnt break through though. sad. getting closer though, and i do appreciate these happenings no matter what.
Coming quite close, my rc of tossing something in the air, didnt work ion my dream but the light stwich thing did, but just as a knew I was dreaming, i woke up, so I guess I had about five seconds f a lucid dream, it seems people here are really getting close.
If you had the thought it could be a dream, but didn’t get lucid, you have to get that thought more consideration during the day. It’s learning to give more importance to the doubting of reality, or losing other opportunities of getting lucid.
Next time you RC, question yourself for real, it could actually be a dream right there, right now. Don’t you remember that work dream, or that computer dream? It felt quite similar to what you are experiencing now.
Remember what has happened the last few minutes, this is very likely to trigger lucidity at the point if you were in a dream. Keep an eye on yourself and your surroundings, you never know when it might be a dream
Ahh yes recently I have been studying my surroundings very intensly but I don’t think I am doing it often enough. I was at a point where my RC’s were becoming pointless because I already knew I was ‘awake’ and that carried on over into the dream world. And my work dream and computer dream? I don’t remember anything about that?
I was talking more in general, since often people dream of ordinary situations, and thinking back to those dreams, they resemble the feeling you have during their WL counterparts
The only computer dream I have had was on 8th November when I actually realised I was dreaming then it was too late to get back in the dream as I blacked out.
And I don’t work, I only go to college once a week, so I remain a hermit for quite long periods of time. Iv’e only had 1 college dream I remember also. the Majority of dreams I remember are crazy dreams, is this because these are the ‘only’ one’s I have or just because I never remember that dream I had when I was sitting on my laptop.