Don’t really know. My dreams have been different the last month. They are much shorter than usual but they feel a lot more real. But I guess(hope) that they get even more real any easyer to remember the more I practice. But I think that the more real they get the more it feels like you remember them at the same time you have them.
The problem I have with the “lie still and try to remember you dream” method is that I usually fall back asleep. What I really hate is when I blink my eyes when it’s night and open them when I open them it’s light out, and it feels like no time past. I had one of those last night. All day long I’ve been trying to remember and the best I’ve been able to get is the word “cabin”. It seems importent, but I have no idea what it means.
I hope you start remembering too.
i hate tryin to peice together my dreams, i wanna have the sames dreams i usually have, except everynight… its probably not possible, too good to be true
well ive been tryin to remember dreams for a full week now, and have rememberd next to nothing… im startin to get frustrated… but i will continue to try
I think you’re trying to hard. If you try and force yourself to remember a dream, you will end up trying to think up a dream - which doesn’t work.
My dream recal improved in a matter of days, so I’ll tell you what I did.
At night, I’d repeat the usual, ‘i will remember my dream’ till i fell asleep.
When you wake up, just let the dreams come back to you. Don’t try and force them. Just wait a minute. After that, get out of bed and write down everything you remember (if anything).
Then proceed with the day as normal. When you let your mind wander (say, when eating breakfast or in French class…), you might find dreams will come back to you for no apparent reason. Jot this down as soon as you can. If you have no where to write them, keep on refreshing what happened in the dream in your mind.
That was just my way though, and it may not work with you so well…
cool, ill keep that in mind,
i was thinkin maybe im to tired when i go to sleep, there for falling into a very heavy sleep making it harder to remember my dreams, i dunno tho thats jus my theory
be back tommorow to let ya’ll know how tonight goes
well last night the only thing i remember from my dream was goin out with my buddys frogger and danny and takin pictures of all the spray painting we had acually done the night before… kinda crazy?
but i dont remember any details or anything like that, jus the idea of goin out and takin pictures
Well that is some progress. Just hang in there and keep practicing. You are starting to remember some fragments of your dreams.
When you wake up try not to move and remember what you just dreamed about(I know this has already been said) If you still cant remember anything then move on to what your thoughts and feelings were just before you woke up. That might help trigger your memory.
How long do you sleep at night? As a general rule the longer you sleep you get more frequent and longer dreams. It might help to sleep an hour or 2 longer than you normally do.
Do you currently take any kind of medication or drugs? Manny medications can wreak havoc on your dreams. For example: as a general rule, alcohol is not good for dreaming because it suppresses REM(when most dreaming occurs) sleep.
Hang in there and keep practicing and you will see improvement.
i dont take any drugs or medication except for smokin weed and drinkin beer(altho its been a few weeks now since ive gotten smashed )
lack of sleep could deffinatly be an issue, the earlyest i ever go to bed ever is about 2:00 in the mourning, ill try and work on that
thanks for the help man, i’ll let you know how tonight goes
Yes, if you are not getting enough sleep you may not have very long dreams. Your dreams get longer the longer you sleep. There are no absolute rules for this(every one is different) but in general your first dream may only be 5-10 min but after 8 or 9 hours of sleep you could have dreams that last up to 45 min to an hour.
Check the big remembering your dreams topic for even more advice.
good luck and happy dreaming.
hey dude just a few questions.
do u smoke dope or use anyother kind of drug on a regular basis…
do u go to be late…
think about your patterns befor u go to sleep…
also intend… set an intention befor u go to sleep… I WILL REMEMBER MY DREAMS… keep with it man… and if you truelly want to have dreams/lucid dreams then you will…
good luck
ya the only drug i use is weed, and i smoke it absolutly every day(holy shit i didnt smoke a joint today lmao, thats a rare occasion)
im sure it affects my dream recall but i doubt if its something i cant overcome
and yes, i deffinatly go to bed late, i have recently truely become nocturnal due to my growing passion for graffiti, i go out almost everynight at 2:00 in the mourning and get back at 530-600 to avoid as much confontation with the police as possible
I don’t want to preach and I do not judge people at all.
However, if you truly want to improve your dream recall and start to have LD ‘s you need to at least improve your sleep and most likely give up weed (at least on nights you want to LD. I don’t know what the impact of marijuana is on your dreams but, I doubt it is good (long term anyway). Maybe someone else will know more about that than I. Improve your sleep habits as a first step and see what happens from there.
thanks for the help everyone! i am now remembering my dream(s) almost every night now, i am still having trouble remembering them in detail, but it is deffinatly getting better.
Last night!, i had a dream (honostly couldent tell you what it was about now), and in my dream i said “wait a second!, i think i’m dreaming??” then i instantly woke up and rememberd my whole dream. i went back to sleep and when i woke up all i could remember was almost going lucid.
does this happen to anyone else? and is there anyway to help me from doing this?
yeah i think that use to happen to me allot…
were you in an intense situation when u realized you were dreaming…
the longer u quit smoking dope for the more vivid your dreams get:D
heh. good one:D
When you wake in the middle of the night and remember a dream write it down. If you can’t stay up long enough to remember the hole dream then just write a quick sentence or two about it. That is often enough to help you remember the hole dream in the morning.
Congratulations on your first LD
Keep practicing.
once again, thanks for all the help guys, im sure u have all helped in my quest for LD,
Last night i had a dream, i really cant remember most of it and it came to me a few hours after i had woken up in the mourning,
but in my dream, i relized that i WAS in a dream, this time instead of wakeing up, i was concentrating on NOT waking up, and it seemd to take alot of effort, i was standing in a very large building, and i spent most of my LD jus standin there thinking to myself, i really didnt know what to do, i was tryin to think of something crazy to do but nothing came except for the idea of flying came across my mind but the thought jus faded and i never ended up flying, BUT i do remember ending up in an elevator and goin very VERY high up, maybe this was my minds idea of flying? i dont know?. It was a very short dream(or at least what i can remember is short) but ive herd most LD’s are short.
next time i have an LD i am gonna do much more, i really wanna try walking trough a mirror and seeing where it takes me, or i would like to find my spirit guide and ask it a few questions that are unclear to my waking mind
(my theory on dream characters is that they are like messengers for my brain or subconcious, when asking a dream character a questions, i am really asking my subconcious)
as for smoking weed affecting my dreams, i think it only affects my dream recall and not my ability to LD, because as most of you probably know, yesterday was 4/20(national weed smoking day) and i smoked more weed than i have in a long time, and then had my first LD where i didnt wake up right away!!(very first LD, was 2 days before), but still, dreams seem faint and i would like to see them more vividly in my mind, maybe this will be my key to quiting weed?? who knows??
untill next time… PeAcE to all my dreaming hommies and hommettes
Great success
LD ing is truly a awesome experience.
Don’t worry you will be able to stay in the LD ‘s longer in time. Just takes a little practice. Next time when you become lucid do something to stabilize your dream.
I have found that rubbing your hands together, put your hand through a wall or object, Flying, and of course spinning will all help me stabilize things. You can use any of these techniques again any time you feel the dream starts to fade.
Happy LD ing
haha, thanks man, but since i had that LD… i havent rememberd a single dream?
updates in the nights to come
Don’t let it distress you to much. LD’ing can be a little on and off when you first start. It will get better if you keep practicing.
- Keep up your dream journal and do RC’s.
- Keep healthy sleep habits
- (just my suggestion) don’t use weed on nights you want to recall your dreams or LD. (At least not close to bed time)
- Don’t give up.
Happy Dreaming