I'm leaving LD4all. Goodbye all.

before you leave, (if you do, pleasedon’t (although it’s your choice)), can I ask just one question…? Right now, what are your techniques for LDing, and having those kickass week long dreams…

Me wonders if that post was a final goodbye, or if he’ll be tempted to look back one last time to see if what people have said in reply (and perhaps be convinced by it). I know i’d certainly check before leaving indefinatly, but I’m not freecube.

Probably he checks, and probably he re-thinks about leaving. It’s not shameful got get frustrated and to relax afterwards and come back again :smile:

Well, clearly it wasn’t his final goodbye, because he replied to me in this thread. However, that (yesterday) was his last post.

I had no idea the competition would grow like this.

Just a note for the record: Freecube has arrived back.