Ive known about Lucid dreaming for almost a year now, and Ive been to this site for a year now. I found out about lucid dreaming, and it’s the coolest thing I can imagine, it’s really possible to escape boring reality, and do whatever you want. I wanna learn everything possible about this, and other spiritual things. Im really into martial arts, and Im trying to get deeper involved in it. But anyways, this is the best site ever too, awesome job Pasquale, nice forum, tons of informartion, and creative to. But Im 15, from USA, male, I like skateboarding, martial arts, I guess you can just check out my profile.
Hey Jew Boy! I’m Blue and i’m 17, and as u can tell from my handle, a girl! Another young person, yay!! I’ve been hanging around the boards for a few days now and i’ve not met anyone who’s about my age. Nice to meet ya
Actually, there’s quite a number of 15 to 20 year-olds residing on these forums now, and increasingly more each week. Take a look at the “New here? Shake hands with the rest of us!” thread in the Lucidity Intro forum.
Why did u choose the cik Jew boy. It’s an interesting choice since in this modern era people don’t worry about what religion other people are. We like to judge people on what they say and who they really are. Religion as we can see today causes many issues and problems.
Hey Z… The reason I chose the name Jew Boy, was just because I couldn’t think of anything else, I seriously am Jewish. Im not trying to offend anybody, if the name sounds like a joke to anybody… I like to let people know who I am, and what my beliefs are, Ill shutup about it if people start getting annoyed, or offended by it. Like I said before though, no offense was ment by my name. I basically got the idea to put my religion for my name, from the member Atheist. Since he put his belief down, I figured Id put mine down.
I was hoping there would be some martial artists here. Does Phantom Spectre still com here? I talked to him a long time ago, when I was known as Sandbutt. He said he does QiGong, I do Shaolin kung-fu… how about all you guys?