hello! I’m new here and don’t really understand the layout of the website so I’d appreciate any help getting around
Here’s a little about myself. I started doing research on lucid dreaming early February 2024. I started taking it seriously by learning new methods, writing down my dreams daily, and trying to lucid dream. My progress has kind of halted for now and that usually means I’m doing something wrong. I’m happy to be here!
For discussion about lucidity like induction techniques or what to do inside lucid dreams you want to go to the Quest for Lucidity category and the Lucid Adventures category and the sub categories there. If you want to open you own dream journal on the forum or read the dreams of other dreamers then go to the Dream Journal section. Those three are the most important sections for dreaming I think and probably the most active ones, too.
If you also want to discuss normal dreams (non-lucid ones) then the Stuff Dreams are made of... is the place. For more spiritually related topics you go to Beyond Dreaming. For waking life topics the Lucid Lounge is the place to be.