I'm not sure how i Should start back up...

ok soooooooo, about 3 months ago, around the start of summer break i ran across ld’ing. I was keeping a dream journal and got down about 6 before i started to forget to write in it. I really want to start doing this again because my girlfriend has ld’s like every night. I stopped trying after about a month then i would have weird dreams about lucid dreaming but never actually went lucid. i would also have dreams about when i tried the WBTB. I have a lot of stuff i need to ask myself so any help would be terrific. I did however have one lucid dream during my break… it lasted no more than 10-15 seconds, right after it started then it just faded out… i flew :content:

keeping a dream journal is pretty important. WBTB is a good method to use. MILD is too (if you’re not good at WILD, it’s likely that trying to WILD will just leave you tired and unsatisfied for the first couple tries). WBTB/MILD is even better.

If you’re kind of lazy, and don’t like to be bothered too much, then just try MILD. It works great for me, and it’s really easy. just make sure you follow the steps accordingly.

If you start practicing again, you can do it!
Good luck, and sweet dreams!

Keeping a dream journal is important because the effort signals to your mind that dreams are becoming more important to consider than they used to be, it trains your dream recall, and gives you recurring signs that your dreaming at which you can do a reality check.

If you’re too lazy to keep one, I think you can just do something else that fulfills those above: reading about LD’s can signal to your mind that it’s becoming important, telling people about dreams over breakfast or just thinking about it while you brush your teeth and shower, and maybe your method of becoming lucid won’t involve DILD’s and RC’s so you don’t need to watch for dream signs. Or, change the way of recording-- squiggle a picture of a single object from your dream instead of writing the words, or get a voice recorder.

But, the way I’d start back up is make a list of stuff you want to do in an LD. Keep two or three big tasks in mind, and that can become motivation enough. :smile: My favorite sources:
youtube.com/view_play_list?p … 63BB187AB5
youtube.com/profile?user=ste … id/uploads

thats helpful :grin: I really couldn’t remember my dreams from last night and i had difficulty sleeping all night so but i will definatly start writing in my dream journal again, i’m not that lazy :tongue:. the dream about a lucid dream still kind of confuses me i think that that should pretty much make me lucid shouldn’t it?

If you we’re to start back again first try to understand why you left. Unsuccessful? Un-worthy of your attention? Distracted by something else? Answer a few of those questions and begin again. Dream journals are important, and cannot be under estimated. I personally practice a combination of MILD throughout the day along with countless RCs. I am an advocate of Lucid Living, maintaing a heightened awareness constantly. Think 1 big reality check. However those are my waking life methods, the methods I use to program my subconscious while physically awake. My induction method is a combo of WBTB + WILD. Using your natrual sleep cycle is, in my opinion, THE MOST CRUCIAL step people often miss. Can a WILD be successful at bedtime, sure. However, it’s possibilities increase 10 fold once performed in the early morning, after a 5-6 hour body rejuvenating sleep.

Humans we’re designed to follow the suns natural timing, referred to as our body’s circadium rhythm. I would encourage all to sleep from 11 p.m. - 4:30 a.m. Awaken for roughly 30-60 minutes and return to bed with a set intention on a certain dream scenario. Think of yourself as the “actor, director, set designer, & prop man” of your dreams. This is commonly referred to as MILD. Which I perform throughout the day.


I cannot express how much I would love an opposite partner who shared my passions and abilities. Get advice from her even. Does she try? Is it natural? WILD or DILD?

Read my other post are RC. I will be posting a thread soon on the topic of Desires, how to control and use them for your advantage, both in your Waking and Astral life.