I'm really confused about my dream last night

Ok. This is what I remember, and the whole confusing part is that I have no idea if this was a lucid dream or not, or even if some parts were real. Heres how it goes: I wake up in my bed it’s really dark, but I can see some basic shapes of my room. All of a sudden I realize it’s a dream (something may have triggered the realization) I rub my palms together(which is odd scince I’ve only heard of this technique once) and tell myself i’m going to remember. I get up out of bed, excited for the fun lucid stuff I plan to do (it’s all of sudden a sunny morning). I go to the washroom for some reason, i remember having to go, which is odd, and in the washroom I look at my hands, and theres of course an extra finger on my right hand. I’m not freaked, just excited. Now, when I do a reallity check during the day I usualy read something, check an electronic device, check my hands, and pinch my nose or arms. In the parts of my dream I only remember checking my hands. Now in the next part of my dream that I remember at least, I’m in the garage and before I decide to go to my backyard and fly, I do a couple more hand checks. My hands are normal, I start freaking out and obsessing over my hands, I think I may have an extra finger again , but I’m not sure though. That’s when I wake up.

So was this an LD?? It would be my second technical one, and my first one lasting more than a second. I’m just really confused by it. Also does anyone know how I can remember my dreams better, this is only the first one I’ve remembered scince friday, and only my 2nd scince school started. Before school I could remember a tonne and I’ve even used all the memory techniques I know of.

That’s a lucid dream alright.
When you say memory techniques do you include a dream journal? You could try meditating.

Yes I do use a dream Journal, but it seems this happense every year, I used to think I only dreamed in the summer, but now I know I only remembered in the summer. I really was doing good with memory in the summer, usualy at least 2 each night. Anyways it’s good to know it was an LD, but do you know why I didn’t do my usualy RCs? And why I went to the bathroom??

No I don’t know why. Possibly you went to the bathroom because you needed to IRL. I suppose it’s like you said with the RCs. You only remembered the hands. In dreams the memory of real life is not always perfect.

It’s probably because when you have to go to school, the first thing you think about when you wake up has nothing to do with remembering dreams.

It happens often that we don’t remember in LD’s what we planned to do. There are very irrational things in LD’s, we can have false memories, have a completely wrong reasonning, be somebody else, etc.

Telling the truth it sounded like a low lucid dream. As second LD - that’s good sign, anyways poor LD is better that nothing, and you recogenized that you are dreaming second time. That means that you are developing your LDing skills.

OR because you are making it often after waking up. In low lucid dreams, you sometimes follow dream, without will to do it.

Good luck with lucid dreaming.