I'm sure I just had my first LD experience!

So I’m pretty happy at the moment, I’m certain that I’ve had my first proper Lucid Dream that actually lasted longer than a few seconds (technically at least), I’ve already written out everything I can remember into my dream journal so I’ll re-type it here:

Sorry if I’m misusing the quote button but its the best way I can see to highlight was was in my journal.

One thing I really noticed was that once I checked my hands and they were deformed I could actually feel the way that they were bending, all seven or eight of them, it never hurt but still, very, VERY weird feeling, is this normal to feel your hand deformation once you see it?

Also is it possible that my entire dream was lucid and its just my DR being fuzzy and letting it down? I’d really like to hear your take on this, for me it would be a breakthrough that I’m starting to even think about lucid dreams in my dream!

The whole experience seemed to last somewhere between 15 minutes and half an hour, being my first lucid dream that lasted longer than attempting to stabilise before I woke up it would be incredible if it was all lucid!

Congrats! I get the impression you did get lucid, but only you can really be sure. The only thing that matters is if there was understanding, a click, that you were dreaming (very possible since you were dancing around!). It might not have been very clear as it might have been a low level of lucidity (specially towards the end), plus with better DR the memory of the dream should fade slower after you wake up.

About the deformed hands, I don’t remember if I’ve felt that as I don’t look at my hands that frequently in dreams, but it makes sense that you’d see them all weird and then your mind would naturally wonder “what would that feel like?” and then you’d get the feeling.

Anyway, low lucidity or not, getting caught up in the story or not having the best control, it’s still great progress!! So good for you and keep up the good work. :smile:

and welcome to LD4all!! :wave:

Thanks mattias, I’m still in awe that I managed to feel the effects of destabilisation and still have enough time to think about the stabilisation techniques and then in only my second (at least of my adulthood, I believe I’ve had a few LD as a kid) LD so early on it would last at least 15 minutes, I always read about people not having lengthy dreams or always waking up upon LD initiation, although I will try and resist the urge to dance next time and see if I can get a higher level of lucidity :wink: