i'm to focused on where I'm going

I have had 1 lucid dream for sure but it was probably just luck. Anyways I can’t focus on my surroundings because I’m always intent in my dreams on where I was going. In most of my dreams I’m always moving or going somewhere and don’t usually stay in one place for very long. When I’m dreaming for some reason I always need to be walking and going somewhere and never stop to notice things for very long. I can’t realize I’m dreaming because I never take time to notice how obscurely small I am or that buildings seem to be popping up to the left and right of me. So if I could have some advice on just trying to stay in one place for a little while and looking around that would be swell.

Dreams don’t usually give you time to think, one of the reasons we don’t all just know we are dreaming everytime.

Anyways, I have no idea, maybe try to find a way to have a lot of boring dream? :razz:



It’s like that for me too. When I stop and don’t have anywhere to go I can become lucid more easily. I try to keep more aware when I am going places and doing things IRL to get into that habit. Actually I don’t do it enough, because I forget to. Wich means I need to practise it more.

thanks krakatoa. I guess I should just, IRL, check my surroundings more often than I usually do when I am heading to places

Checking your surroundings more often IRL is a good idea, but really, sometimes lucidity comes from the smallest things. Once, for example, I became lucid for apparently no reason. I just remembered that I’d always wanted to walk through walls and realised I could.

Another example was me noticing when people disappeared in my dream. Sometimes it’s not the surroundings that matter.

In fact, I tend to dream a lot with my old apartment and my old school, despite it’s been years since I’ve moved and almost a year since I got into college. However, I never notice I’m dreaming when I dream about those places :razz:

If you are doing reality checks and examining your surroudings in real life this will carry over into your dreams and youn will begin to notice surroundings there too.

The other thing you could do is use MILD and put your intent on percieving your surroundings.