I’m having almost every night dreams about something related to lucid dreams. Like the other night i had a dream about my sister being turned into a croc and i tell her that she is dreaming and that she must wake up in order to become human again. Tonight i had dream about telling a cousin that i can teach her how to start having lucid dreams!. Other night i found myself looking over and over again at some text and each time the text mutated and i didn’t realize i was dreaming but instead i was like “cool that text canges everytime i look at it!”. I’ve had a LOT of dreams like that but i haven’t been able to take the final step. I’ve had 4 lucid dreams and i know how fun they are so want to take this dreams and make lucid dreams out of them. Can anyone give me advice on how to use this dreams? I do reality checks very often durng the day, i have my journal, i have a decent dream recall (i want to improve it tough cause i think im missing something). Thanx for your comments
Yes you’re getting very close. Next time when you do RC’s, try to think that you’re DREAMING. Act it out. Hopefully eventually in your dreams when you do those RC’s, you would realize that you’re dreaming. I’d say that it’s definitely a close call. Keep trying! Try to change your thought so if you see a text changing, then you would say, “Hey it changes; therefore, I’m dreaming!”
I wish you the best luck!
Salamander lucid dreaming is also an evolving process, meaning once u have them, slowly it will get more integrated in your dreams more and more…so over time time these almost lds can become easely real lds.
Keep on practising Mild!
And keep reading about lucid dreaming…and stick to a diary!