I'm waking up, but I don't remember anything

Hi. For the past few nights I’ve been waking up 3 or 4 times a night, about an hour to an hour and a half apart. I realize that this is part of the MILD technique, however I don’t remember anything about my dreams. I was wondering if there is any reason for this (I haven’t been telling myself to wake up during the night. It seems to happen on its own.) Is there anything I can do to make myself remember parts of dreams? I can tell that I’ve just woken from a dream every time I wake up.

I don’t know much about MILD, but i do know, you are supposed to tell yourself when to wake up. When you are waking up, are you waking up naturally, or because you heard yelling, or someone woke you up? Because if it is something like that, then you will probably wake up remembering nothing.

I’m waking up naturally, because I’m the only one sleeping in that room, the door is closed, there’s no music on, and the blinds are shut. It should be an ideal sleeping environment.

I’d also like to add that this morning, after I posted the first message, I remembered parts of three separate dreams and wrote them in my journal. However, when I woke up for the final time this morning, I thought that I didn’t remember anything at all.

They say you should lie still when you wake up. Don’t move at all and just try to recall. After a little while it should start to come back to you.