Important WILD questions!! (pros required to answer!)

Hi, havent posted for some time, but here i am. i havent had a ld for weeks, and im really desperate for wilds because there isnt enough time for anything else. this is because school started, and i cant get into rem stage. WILD is perfect.

Can i speak while attempting to wild? i mean, when counting, can i do a little whisper to help? also, would it be possible to have a eye open just a little? When i wild, i sometimes go through that state where i have my eyes open, but cant move. then i close my eyes, going straight into a dream.

ty for reading, please answer.

no, no, no.
atleast, i think…

WILDS are hard (and can scare the sh1t out of you)… MILD is easy

if you have school and stuff…i recomend NOT using wild. that requires getting up in the middle of the night. you should take a look at trancewave’s method posted under New Mild Variation [something like that] anyways its on the Quests page. that method doesnt require getting up in the middle of the night. also…you can picture yourself [right b4 u fall asleep] in a red room with a friend. and have the friend tell u what a RC is. and then u perform one for him/her. keep visualising this dream over and over in your head b4 and until u fall asleep. when i did this…i didnt dream about a red room…but i had one of the best dreams of my life and i was lucid. so yeah…check those out.

bendrummin58, WILD does not necessarily mean using WBTB with it. And the last technique you mentioned is called VILD, and the red room is completely and totally irrellevant.

Baloogan, please don’t discourage people from trying what they want, and remember that what works for you will not work for everybody.

LucidLover, about the eyes, you seem to have answered your own question. It works for you, right?

i wish i can get more feedback, not on what a wild is but if this stuff is possible. no, i do not recall keeping a eye opened until i feel paralysis, but does this mean that it cant be done? i have barely ever been in that state in the first place, so not getting there with a eye opened or whispering means anything.


Can’t say if it will work or not for ‘you’ but IMO it’s best to be as relaxed as possible, so why not use your thought based voice in your head to whisper… or why not clear your mind of all thought by using breathing exercises?

keep your eyes closed and rely on your minds-eye to do the work, if you dream then thats a bonus just keep practicing because i presume you want an astral projection ? different people develop this skill at different rates.
if you can get to the paralysis state then you’re almost there, if your eyes are open theres a chance its a FA… keep em closed…

I’m not sure I understand your questions. I find them very strange. It’s perhaps why experienced WILDers didn’t reply ? ( I’m not an experienced WILDer, sorry :shy: )

I think it’s quite not possible ( at least very difficult ) to speak and to get to sleep. Can’t you really count in your mind ? If you can’t, there are other possibilities, like focusing on coloured dots ( phosphenes ) and HI, focusing on buzzing in the ears, visualizing scenes, numbers, etc.

Why do you want to have an eye open ? Do you really want to sleep ? :confused: Just try to get to sleep normally ! On the other hand, if it’s your own way of falling asleep every night, :eek: , why not, it could work…

Did I answer your riddles correctly ? :wink:

It is very, VERY hard to wild. Concentrating on one thing is too hard for me. This is why i was thinking maybe if i counted out loud very quietly, i might wild.
I think that wilding, including the paralysis state, only requires darkness, total relaxation, and sleepyness. I do recall feeling the paralysis, then opening my eyes, but still in paralysis. Speaking might lead to the feeling of a coming paralysis, giving you a sign that you should shut your eyes, and concentrate on one thing.

It is not that WILD is hard. You just have to find your “trick” for doing it

I can’t say one way or another if your ideas would work or not. The only way to know would be to try them. If they work fo you than that’s great. To be honest they most likely would not work for me as they would cause me to stay too conscious. However, that does not mean they will not work for you.

In the big WILD topic pg 10 or 11 Dm7 talked about a spinning technique where you create a spinning sensation. You keep concentrating on creating the feeling of spinning. I tried it and have since added it to one of my favorite techniques. Alternatively you can create a falling sensation.

Anyway I just thought I would throw that out there and see what you think of it.