
Last night, after being interesting in LDing for about six months I had a lucid dream that felt as though it lasted a day or more…

I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I can tell you that it was rediculously long, because I felt like I was in that dream so long I actually woke my self up by saying “Alright, fuck this, I’m done” and I opened my eyes.

I can’t explain it, but I know it was a day, even though that’s impossble…

Any similar experiences?

yes I get long dreams a lot. a while ago I had a dream that lasted 3 days. Just last night I had one the went on for about 6 months. It was a giant adventure. I didn’t put it on my dream journal cause it would take me the whole day to post it.

Do you know how this happens?

Or did you really sleep for 6 months…: /

no it is not possible lol your bain goes through waves in a cycle it is true that the longer you sleep the longer that you will spend in delta stage but only to a certain extent. Remember how dreams can make it seem like you have been living for years? like a movie it skips through time say 7 years later and everything is changed well dreams can do that too and it seems like you have really been inside that dream that long our brain adds all the missing bits in. but you know thats pretty amazing :smile: it must have been a good dream

I bet you never ate breakfast/lunch/dinner or washed, went to the toliet, went to sleep or did anything else like that.

Think back in as much detail as you can, and you’ll probably realise that that the dream probably didn’t last more than an hour (if that).

The dream acts like a movie - it jumps from one important part to the other. It may add in a false memory or two whilst your in the dream state, but you’d probably forget them once you wake up.

what i have found interestesting is the fact that the mind can create faulse memories that the movie cant and that way it makes it seem like it all really did happen, even in a blink the mind can make up 8 years of history and try and explain why and what is happening, i wonder why we create these faulse memories, anyone got any ideas? maybe realiseing you are dreaming is too much of a shock for some people and so that we ahve evolved to try and stop our selves from doing it??? i dont know :razz:

Important is also that the mind can add the feeling or emotion that the dream really lasted for ages. Add that to the “see it like a movie” explanation, and you can already explain most if not all cases of prolonged dream experiences. To the question as why can our minds do this, I dont think this is because LD is too much of a shock. I just think it is a quality (or ability?) that comes with dreaming. It happens in ND’s too a lot, and when it happens in a LD it makes an even more profound inpact on the dreamer. By the way Timeless Soul what does delta sleep (which is dreamless sleep) have to do with this?

hmmm that is what happens when i dont re read what i wrote my bad. what i ment was this. the longer that the sleep the longer that you will spend in Rem and the less time you will spend in delta stage but only to a certain extent. And by the way you do actually dream inside delta stage, umm how to describe it. Delta stage is like sitting down just staring at the waves on a beach. Beta stage or Rem is like watching a tenis game… does that make sense? There is still Rem inside delta it is just very very tiny. anyway what does it have to do with it? i was trying to explain that you can indeed stay inside a dream for a very long time, but each stage goes through cycles. so depending on the time of the night or how long you have been asleep can affect the natural time of the dream. to start with the Rem cycle lasts 90 minutes per wave through beta to delta to beta again. later in your cycle i have heard reports that dreams can last up to 45- 60 minutes and sometimes a little over, but i dontknow how trust worthy that source was

well i am not sure about that being a quality or abilty that comes through dreaming, i mean we do it all the time anywayz we create ourselves faulse memories to try and fill gaps in our memories. And to LD is a sock to a lot of people being a new experince or more to the point an intense experince. By making it seem like you have been inside the dream for years might take away some of that shock and replace it with a sense or known and ability to stay within the dream… all ideas i have no proof on any of this :razz:

Ok I understand you. I don’t wish this to become an argument, but the following isnt entirely correct:

When you are in pure delta, there are no dreams whatsoever (visual cortex isnt working there due to surpressing chemicals). Some people do report black and white dreams on the onset of delta because there is still theta brainwave activity. Theta is the stage that is connected to dreaming, during this stage the chemicals are released that cause visual cortx activity and REM.

hmmm i am not entire sure about our statement being right there i will go look it up now…

if you are suggesting that you can only dream in theta stage then can you explain to me why you can day dream? and if you think about it is it really all that different?

no it wont be an argument i have been out of this for a long time and i am just getting back into it alot of what i have done and known is still finding its way back so i appoligise for my words lol i will get back dont worry just bear with me :razz:

ok got what i was confused bout what i had researched is called Alpha-Delta Sleep Anomaly. its where your brain mixes up delta and alpha waves. apprently this disorder causes a restless sleep yap yap yap this is actually the first i have heard of it… hmm id ont know. well its been a while and in light of what you ahve shown me i will have to agree with you. sorry about that old habits andideas die hard :razz:

Well if it was an astral-projection type-experience then maybe he was inhabiting his astral body, and it went somewhere where time operated differently. Just an alternative theory… Never experienced this phenomenon myself though.

That idea holds as much value as the theory that there’s pink elehpants on the roof which disappear when you go look at them. Just my humble opinion though. :cool_laugh:

yer thats what i was thinking as well… psh

I suppose you guys are 100% certain NDE’s are hallucinations too eh? Heheh well, no problem… we all have our beliefs.

No, Lebowsk1, you misunderstood.

Xetrov (and TimeLess) were saying that the theory is not useful to them. They (and I) don’t believe it, but we don’t disbelieve it either. We just think it is not useful because it is unprovable. So we don’t bother with it. :smile:

Heh ok, I just like to have ANY alternative to the brain-heavy theories. I mean at the end of the day, whatever his brain was doing, he WAS inhabiting another (dream) body, and that body DID experience time differently… so y’know, worth a thought. Everybody seems to be bent on telling the original poster that he’s mistaken in some way.

Heh, well, after reading all of that…my brain hurts, XD.

I didn’t know about how the mind works like a movie though, that’s quite strange…

I actually have quite an elaborate view on the differences and causes of OBE’s and NDE’s. Ill post them in a few weeks when i get back from holliday.