I’ve been interested in this ever since I learned about lucid dreaming… Can you improve skills by lucid dreaming?
I know there’s been some discussions about this on the forum, but I didn’t find any topic on it. If there is, sorry… Mods can feel free to delete this topic and direct me to the other one
I haven’t had much experience in LDs with practicing skills, but a few times in regular, non-lucid dreams I have. One instance I remember is when I was horse back riding in a dream. I was confused because it didn’t feel like I was actually riding – the gait I was sitting was completely unknown to me.
So we can just say in general that the experience wasn’t like it would be in real life. However, I wasn’t lucid, but was thinking more clearly in the dream than usual. This experience is leading me to believe that you can’t really improve skills in LDs, because the experience isn’t the same. But if you were lucid, maybe you could control how realistic it was?
If you have any comments, opinions, experiences, etc., please share them
I had once a lucid dream where i practised a kungfu tech we trained at kungfu in real life and i managed to master it in that ld, and then a few days later indeed in real life i did very well and indeed mastered it when i practised it with other ppl at kungfu class.
And also i find a ld great to practise and sharpen my trance and hypnosis skills!
There’s one in the Lucid Lounge, I think…But we’re not there right now, so this works!
I, personally, don’t think it would help for a lot of things.
Primarily sports. Like, say, soccer. You’d kick the ball and it wouldn’t go the same distance as real-life. You don’t know what the players are going to do. The ball might go through the goalie!
I footbag, which is basically all gravity, and I don’t know if I could imitate gravity correctly. It might just throw me off!
But it could work for some things, like Jeff’s kungfu.
Hmm, I don’t know whether you could actually become better at certain skills by practicing them in a lucid dream. After all, anything that happens in a dream is only what you expected to happen, and doesn’t properly take into account each of the relevant factors. For example, look at playing music. The sound will be grossly unsynchronized with the notes that you’re playing, and will more than likely play straight from your imagination - no help there.
Maybe someone can demonstrate a skill or ability (physical, analytical, whatever) which you could actually improve in a dream, but I can’t think of any. I’ll stick with using them for fun.
If you know exactly what will happen when you press a note on an instrument, then you can probably pull the practice thing off. Other things to practice would be conversation skills, SEX , and uh, tree climbing.
Really, you can practice anything as long as you have the proper knowledge of how to do it first. If you’re not good with piano obviously you won’t know which key plays what. Oh, you should pay attention to the facts, as Atheist mentioned, it could end up just as you imagine it instead of how it’s supposed to be. Better watch your fingers and go slowly? And the tree climbing bit should work if you’ve got enough knowledge about gravity and trees and all. Duh. And sex… no experience required.
It is possible. I am a Mixed Martial Artist (Boxing, tae kwon do, brazilian jiu jitsu) in training and I have used LDs to improve my technique many times.
What I have experienced first hand:
After sparring with many DCs my confidence has raised.
My bobbing, weaving, and evasion has drastically improved.
I have programmed it into myself to give every movement my all which has increased my mental stamina in a fight.
What I am not sure of:
Whether or not it can actually improve your form in your sport/skill. Laberge had some giant explanation in EWLD about how it can but I believe it has yet to be proven.
What I know isn’t possible:
Exactly. Some people claim they tought themselves how to ice skate without any previous experience thanx to LDs and some claim they magically tought themeselves the history of the world without any previous knowledge. I don’t like to say the word impossible but well… thats impossible. You need to know the physics of your skill and the mental demands as well.
I don’t know if this means anything, but here goes…
I once saw some people at a party, and they were salsa dancing. At the time, I didn’t know how to salsa dance, so I just watched them. A few nights later, having never attempted to dance before, I had a dream in which I was dancing salsa perfectly. I was doing all sorts of fancy turns and moves. I later learned how to dance salsa IRL and it was kind of easy to learn.
So, having just “seen” something, my brain was able to “learn” it?
Sage, I think you should give some more credit to your subconscious. It remembers things much better than yourself and seems to know alot more than you
That’s why people can dig out so much from their past, which they could not remember otherwise, by being hypnotized. Just an idea…
Even if you did know how to do something IRL, you would need a lot of control to master everything in the dream, right? There’s a lot of variables to control… If you wanted to replicate the experience perfectly, you would have to be very lucid Otherwise, it might be a bit difficult to practice/improve skills realistically.
But I agree that you probably would need some experience to practice something (realistically!) in an LD. Or maybe just seeing something or observing something for a while, in sage’s case…
Daysong now that i think of it you could try horseriding in a ld but also writing…i think in dream stage your very creative, you could experiment lol…not by writing a whole story, but just like for some creative ideas or plots.