In 3 Places At Once

I wasn’t entirely sure which of the forums to post this, as it’s not actually to do with trying to have lucid dreams, so I decided to post it here at the lucid lounge, because anything goes here.

However, it is related to sleep, and is to do with a strange experience I once had, so you may be interested.

Once, when I was about 15 or 16 (I’m 24 now), I stayed over at my friend Dave’s house. We decided to see if we could stay awake the whole night.

We managed it, by playing on computer games and things like that. We went out early in the morning, hanging around the playing field near where we lived. Eventually we went back to Dave’s house, and decided to play Domino Rally on his table. We found our judgement was really impared, and we got irritated much more than usual.

Eventually, by about mid day, we both agreed that we were both too tired to do anything, so we decided to part company for a while and try and get some sleep.

I went home, went to bed, and went to sleep. Then, this is when something really strange happened, very strange indeed…

After probably about half an hour of sleep, I suddenly woke up for no apparant reason. I don’t remember hearing anything or being disturbed in any way at all. I just got straight out of bed and went straight downstairs.

I wanted to go to the toilet, but instead of going to the toilet right at the bottom of the stairs, I went all the way to the one at the other end of the house. I have absolutely no idea why I did this.

Immediately afterwards I rushed straight back upstairs and back into bed. Here’s the really bizarre thing though: There was a point somewhere in my journey between bedroom and toilet, where I felt just like I was in 3 places all at the same time. I felt like I was in the toilet AND in my bedroom AND halfway inbetween the two (like in the hallway or something), all at the exact same time.

At the time I couldn’t comprehend this at all, and I told my friend Dave and he just laughed. Since then, I’ve always just come to the conclusion that it was because I had only just woken up, that my brain was slowed down, so my perception of time was all distorted, because things were getting processed too slowly and/or in the wrong order.

Anyway, that’s it really, just thought I’d share that with you all.


Are you sure you were awake…really awake and not just dreaming that you woke up?


Hey, that’s a really interesting thought actually, that maybe it was a false awakening and all these years I’ve assumed I actually did go to the toilet! :cool_laugh:

I guess I will never really know for sure. I think I did wake up, but the answer to your question is, no, I’m not 100% certain.


When I was little, I used to get up in the middle of the night, and wander around. I would be awake, but… not awake. I would think differently, my logic processes were wrong. I would go into the bathroom and just stand there because it was what I felt like where I had to be. My mom would find me and tell me to go back to bed, but I couldnt, I dont know why, but it was terrifying to go back to bed. So I couldnt, and I couldnt tell her either.

Or I would feel compelled to go into my parents room, but not wake them up, in complete darkness, because the thought of not doing it was frightening. I also remember a feeling of being there but not there, in more places at once, like you describe.

So that’s my idea. I dont think its the same as sleepwalking, since when you sleepwalk you really are asleep, and I know I wasn’t. It reminds me of being half asleep, and you think you’ve worked out something really cool, but when you wake up completely, you realize your brilliant idea makes no sense whatsoever. :stuck_out_tongue:


These stories remind me of several experiences that I have had: I like to fall asleep watching TV downstairs on the weekends, then usually wake up and go upstairs to bed. However, several times I have awakened and found myself terrified of something. I’m obviously not thinking rationally at this point because there isn’t anything to actually be afraid of. I rush to my room and to bed and have to put pillows over my ears. I always fall asleep quickly. I hope this happens again, despite the terror :bored: so that I can try and WILD or something…but I think if I am thinking clearly enough to try to do a WILD I won’t be half-asleep anymore. I think these experiences are very similar to yours. I posted this story under Beyond Dreaming - Half Asleep, if you want to check out the responses.

It must be something to do with the logic part of the brain being asleep, similar to how most people aren’t critical of the illogicalities of their dream scenarios and so therefore cannot obtain lucidity.

So it’s like, when you awake in that state, you’re technically awake, but your brain is still in the same state as if you were in a dream, therefore making you scared of things that don’t make any sense, just like in a nightmare.

Just a thought.


I also know about this half-being awake.
My brother did sleepwalking when we were kids, but he also did something else.It was very similiar to it, only he was awake when he did, and it only happened after he awoke.
For example, one time he came into my room and shouted angrily “Shouldn´t we just stop doing that silly stuff?!”
I asked him what he is talking about, and that moment he realized that it didn´t make any sense and went back to bed.

I think something like this also happened to myself before, although never to the extend you describe, only some seconds after awakening.Being in three places sounds cool :smile:


I occasionaly get that -half-awake- -half-out-of-it- scenario happening. It is usually when I fall asleep in front of the TV or in a room with other people that are talking or making a noise of some sort.
The noises trigger me to wake up midway through a dream and I usually sit up and blurt out some extremely strange remark.
I have been told that I call my dog in my sleep too…not often though.

Any time I hear someone speak in their dreams…I try to have a conversation with them to keep them talking, they never seem to make sense though so no probing their minds for deep dark secrets!

hmm i’ve had experiences like this too, but not always just as i woke up. Sometimes while i was awake and had been for hours.

It usually happens when i am very bored, and i think i subconsciously see what my astral body is doing while i am doing whatever. (I don’t beleive that the astral body sleeps in ours while we are awake… why should it?) anyways at this sime i have often felt being in more than one place, sometimes like you described and others like i was just in different locations and not just earth bound places.

Doing an AP you can instantly go from one place to another, if you tune into your astral body just as it moves somewhere else it will be in 2 places at once while your third is what ever your physical body is doing.

when i was studying Psychology i used to get bored and i would tune out, i would start to doodle on my paper and after i got home there were interesting things that happened. sometimes they were normal doodles and wierd pics. other times they looked like desasters. and in this case within 3days that little doodle became real.

Once i doodled somet and it looked like a plane crash, a ship wreck (oil tanker) and a car accident. Depending on the angle you looked at it, within 3 days all 3 options came true.

so maybe you were just in an altered state of consciousness and actually part aware of your astral body.