I have had two lucid dreams so far, and in both of them i have had control over what I do, and I know that im dreaming and everything. Its just that i dont understand that my DCs do not have a conscious. For example i wanted to beat one of them up, but i felt he might be sad if I were to do that, even though i knew it was a dream!
i would have passed this off as inexperience and it will go away with more LDs, but I have noticed this in a lot of people’s posts.
Do you guys know what I’m talking about, and how can I fix this?
Sorry if this doesn’t really help you, and I don’t have much experience with LDs, but personally I don’t think this is such a bad thing!
In my opinion, if you want to beat something up you should summon up something or someone you really hate instead of picking on a poor random DC heh
Instead of wanting to beat them up, why don’t you ask them questions and find out their purpose in your dream? You’d be surprised at what they might have to say…
What you say is very interesting cause it shows how most of the people, even if they have a rather good lucidity, continue to confuse DC’s and real people and act as if DC’s were true.
Probably you weren’t 100% lucid. It happened with me before. In an LD I had, some flying demon things were attacking my DC-parents, so I felt the need to protect them It’s like that when you aren’t totally lucid.
Try to keep in mind that DC’s are not real. When you get lucid, you’ll recall it, and there wont be anymore problems like that. Seems to be too simple, but i you propably recall that trought whenn you’ll get lucidicy.
I think it was a LD, you just need more experience about how you believe your dream, you were in a LD, but in a reality based dream. Just calm down, and think every DC as a part of yourself, they belong to your mind. Talk to one DC, then ask other what did you say to the last one, always believe that he/she is going to answer it right.
After some training,you will soon realise that all DCs can be “the same” (it doesn’t mean they have to be identical). Training a bit more, you can even tell them you are dreaming… be careful, if you force it too much, you may wake up, if it happens, do RCs to prove yourself you aren’t in a FA.
You know, it is ok to be moral and nice in your dreams…lol. If you feel bad about hitting them, then don’t. Find some other things to do with or without them. Become friends with him/her and see how the dream ends up or just see what they say.
Killing DCs is only fun for so long, and besides, you can learn A LOT from your DCs. After all, they are made up entirely from your mind and if you get to know them, you get to know you.
I still think he wasnt fully lucid, unless he believes that DC’s are real during waking state also. So it sounds to me like he had some sort of low level LD.
The best answer is that he really does not want to harm them, or else He would feel sad – and That is why he thought his DC would be sad. It was his mind’s way of telling him/warning him what he was in store for if he hurt the DC. – Our morals should not change when we are dreaming… right?
I am the same way I don’t even want to harm the dream characters because I’d feel guilty even in the dream, and not want the character to be sad.
I guess I’m too nice even in my dreams
I do like to make them disappear though, thats always fun