In my next LD I will Marry for fun with a dreamgirl-Part II

You know what, I think next time I get lucid I will try to find a girl to marry too. It’s been a while since I was lucid married. No beating around the bush for me, I’ll just walk up to the first girl I see and say “will you marry me”, hehheh. Maybe we could have a double wedding at Jeff’s.

I was trying all night to get in Jeff’s corner! Really! I had two dreams about it: one normal and one lucid… Didn’t think it would be so difficult. So, could you please just leave the door opened next time? :tongue:

Oops. :eh: I may have created a problem for myself…will I be able to resist the temptation of The Sex God? :wiske:

Yes Moogle just put a cat with sharp claws in jacks mouth lol and he will be silent for a long time :happy:


Maybe put it in his pants instead… more effective… :devil:

Lol you develish infection hehe :rofl:


LOL i met in my sleep the red witch friend of Buffy the vampire slayer…
She was cute, i liked her…I was at my old house…and i was standing just in the living room and my feet where ice cold. She was laying at the couch.
She invited me to warm my feet at her body. Well that sounded ok! :smile:
I know worse punishments lol…So i walked to the couch and put my feet under her legs. She smiled at me…I smiled at her. I thought mm i really like her. Then i caressed the inside of her upper legs and ehm knocked several times at the door of her female castle :tongue: She jumped me, and weird enough we only started kissing, witch was great…it felt like ehm a crush hehe…then i asked her if she would be my girl but she said: I have to go get my car! It is just repaired. We meet later ok?! Well we kissed goodby and said goodbye.
And she left :cry:
Well my feet got warm again :eh:

Minako :smile: I will put all doors of Jeff’s Corner wide open for you! :wiske:

Was not lucid :neutral:
Well i will go get more sleep time so i get lucid soon :cool:


LOL that was a funny dream! :wink: Cute! I guess your DC’s don’t want to marry you? :neutral:

That’d be so horrible if that’s a true case. :eh:

:cry: no no no!

Dm7 LOL!
Well see when i am lucid what will happen…lucid at full force :cool:
Even if i have to disguise myself as a lucid turtle that will be no handicap
to get a humorfull girl to marry me in my dream lol :tongue:


I wish I could become lucid full force AND at HIGH level. :cry: I haven’t been lucid for soooo long. :crying:

Anyways good luck!

No problem Lucian…if i meet you i give you lots of dream money!
And yes, you can be a manager of the next Jeff’s Corner Lucid restaurant
if u like that :cool_laugh:
MMm yes I thought of that also…when i have found her,
The girl i like, i will make a drawing and post it here…promissed! :smile:


[MOD Edit] - The next part of this topic can be found here:Part III