Increase In Dream Count

I’ve had a lot of difficulty achieving dream awareness recently, however, the amount of dreams i remember each night is increasing. Last night i remember two of my dreams, and the night before that, i remembered three. Is there a meditation technique that will allow me to recognize the fact that i’m no longer where i was in my previous dream, or that things have changed drastically? I mean other than keeping the fact that things will change in mind. If someone has a few RC techniques that might help, i’d like to hear those as well.

Hi there I recommend going to bed early, not only will help with recall but also its easier to become lucid. The only downside is waking up earlier than usual and feeling like sh… well you get the idea. try melatonin to reset your sleep pattern back and forth, but it comes at a price of lower than average chance of lucidity.

Try to do an RC every time you change place. This way, you will be more likely to recognize that you’re dreaming !