Increase Lucidity!

How to increase lucidity?
Please tell me some techniques!
I’ve tried doing multiple RC’s in a dream and it didn’t work, shouting out “INCREASE LUCIDITY NOW” didn’t work either!
I must add that I wasn’t very lucid when I did both!
please :help:


well, there are many things you can do. here is a list:
1.spin like a top in the air
2.rub your hands together
3.calm down, and focus on it
4.go to the lucid cross roads and either
a) drink from the pool, or…
b) look into either clem, or glad’s eyes
5.remind yourself that you are in your subconscious

there are many more, so try and find one that works for you. good luck, and may high lucidity find you :grin:

I tried rubbing hands and putting my finger thru my hand and the wall… not much success!
Do you think that, at least for the first moments, it’s important to remind myself that I’m dreaming?
I know that I’m not, right now.

The first RC that ever worked on me was jumping. I hopped up… and stayed up. And knew I was dreaming.

Looking at my hands and saying ‘am I dreaming?’ worked much better though.

Lately I seem to burst through some invisible shield type thing yelling ‘Im lucid!’ now…

Its odd… because up until that exact moment Im not thinking about being lucid… its more like a command or something… :confused:

yes, for the begining (until you get to a stable state) you need to concentrate on the fact that you are in a dream. you should only need to do this for a little bit, but it will help a lot :content:

If you have played “Dungeons & Dragons” (Board game) or “Neverwinter Nights” (PC) then you know what i’m talking about here:

NDs has cast a delusive spell on our minds, and we constantly try Will save vs. Delusion. So when our Will save succeeds we become lucid, but we need to tighten our will to perform advanced moves in dreams. I.e flying, creating, etc.