Almost two weeks ago I was flipping the channels and came upon an interesting infomercial. It advertised eyeQ, a computer program that uses techniques developed in Japan to enhance your ability to read and process information. After watching the infomercial about three times I went online and searched for the program. With brilliant luck I was able to find a pirated version of the software.The scientists behind the program claim that by the end of the 14 lesson course the user should expect a new reading speed 2-20 times faster than thier original reading speed! Before starting my reading speed was 250 words per minute (wpm). If all goes well and my reading speed increases by 20X, I will be able to read 5,000 words per minute! Dude, that’s FAST! Imagine reading a one page word document, times new roman, size 12, singlespaced in 6 seconds! (I have too much spare time) So its been two weeks now and I have increased my reading speed by about maybe 100 wpm (250-350), so I haven’t seen any real drastic results yet. The program teaches you to widen your peripheral vision and process groups of words at a time. The program claims that by using the right side of your cerebrum during the reading process (which operates the left side) you can learn to read a page a text as if discerning a visual representation. In some ways this seems waaay too good to be true, but if anyone is interested I would go on Kazaa or Limewire and search for “eyeQ”. If you’re interested…
I would love to learn that, the human mind is so amazing with the skills it can hold. Before I die I hope to learn alot more then what I know now, but my problem is. I have ADD, and it is really hard for me to focus. I have a serious problem with directions, I have a extreamly bad sence of direction, because Its hard for me to pay attention to where Im going. Its so bad its embarasing. Im surprised I can lucid dream, because thats one of the key factors is paying attention. Sorry I didnt mean to change the subject.
well u can read 2 times faster , that commercial saying 2-20 times i tricky i think , if u would read 50 words in a minute then you would speed up x20, its imposible to read 5000 words in a minute i believe.
I have that program, but I didn’t find it improved my reading speed very much. The fastest reader in the world is like, 5000 or something, so I don’t think 20x is realistic. If you really want to improve your reading speed, just read more and push yourself to read faster while doing so.
Hindi I don’t mean to sound like a smartasss but you need to have some serious mental disability to only read 50 words a minute, but I understand what you mean.
Damn! I knew somebody was going to say that. TheBranMuffin, in wpm how much faster can you read now, and what were u before?
Also sorry to hear about your ADD Kavaa. I also suck at directions, and never know where I am going. But that’s probably because I don’t get out much.
Sounds to me like they’re just saying it’s that good to sell it. Even if you do get to be able to read that fast, there’s no guarantee that you’ll really process, or ‘get’ what you’re reading.
What they say is that once you are a really fast reader you should read a sentence several times for maximum comprehension.
I wonder if its one of those speed reading lessons where you are told to skip ‘unimportant’ words, like some adjectives and the like…
If it is, then I don’t want it.
It’s not, it basically training you to recognise larger blocks of words and understand them as opposed to one or two words at a time. The training you do is stuff like flashing words or blocks of words on the screen and you try to recognise them. Another exercise is there’s an object that goes around the screen and you follow it with your eyes.
Oooo, I don’t know… my father is so slow he seems to only read that much, hehe. At least, I think so. I can’t say I’ve ever even considered timing anybody read in the first place. That’d take the whole fun out of it. Anyway, I’m a fast reader already, so I don’t really care about getting faster. I like what’s comfortable.
hmmmm, just wondering whats the point in learning to read raelly fast if you cant get the “message” out of it… i am myself quite fast reader around 350-400 words per minute i assume, but i still have to sometimes read the phrases few times to get the whole message of it (especially when readin books in english, which is not my native language… so the point im after, is reading fast really worth of it if you miss the story of book…
ps. i think ive read bout 50 000-70 000 pages of books
Mainly for reading things that don’t require thought, but one of the main reasons I want to learn is so that I can get through the books my english teacher forces me to read quicker. I wish I could have read the divine wind in a 20th of the time, uggh, never read the divine wind if you can help it.
The Divine Wind must be burned!
Artoo: show me the research papers.
The end.
i have just downloaded a program like this called rocket reader my reading speed is now 700wpm!!!
To me, reading is not about speed. It’s about enjoyment and comprehension. If I could read War and Peace in a day, I probably wouldn’t retain the information very well.
Exactly, I’m not going to fast forward movies to see 100 movies a day. Speed reading would be neat for the boring stuff you need read, like manuals, computer books etc But I have my doubts about the effectiveness of these techniques.
Isn’t an easier way to learn to read fast just to skim through book after book, so that you little by little learn to comprehend larger and larger blocks of text at one time?
I agree with Hyperion. However I do have a friend who can read a book in several hours and take it all in.
It just needs practice, and since she reads lots of books, she is able to read things that quickly.
I read too fast already, if I read any faster I probably wouldn’t understand what I just read anymore