ok so i became lucid last night and did the usual. i flew. i found it kind of annoying because i wasn’t as good at flying as i normally am and the harder i tried i started to float back to the ground
i relaxed and essentially just let myself fly (ie didn’t try so hard) and i picked back up in the air. i wanted to try something else though because flying was the only dream magic i can do (besides controlling dream characters) and i figured it was time to branch out
i tried sticking my finger through my hand which felt really weird, it almost kinda hurt. (i had never been able to stick my finger through my hand before though i only attempted it once) i noticed it was the same case with flying, i could only do it when i wasn’t trying (it’s kinda hard to explain)
after a couple successful attempts at putting my finger through my hand i decided to try to stick it through a tree. that didn’t work at all. so i went inside this house that was there and tried to conjure up a girl. it didn’t work, and i tried not trying, but i don’t think my heart was really in it.
i walked around and i looked outside and i thought i saw somebody who looked like the girl i was trying to conjure up but when she looked at me it was somebody different.
you can use your imagination for how that dream ended, but yeah, i think this “not trying” is the key shrug
Try not to want it too much.
Keep focusing on what you want to do.
And a tip for flying,Insted of you moveing around the world,Try to move the world around you.You can get tons of speed and its not as hard as you would think.
This is how I start.
Everybody saw Vanilla Sky, when he’s in his dream and starts running.
I do this to untill I have maximum speed (faster then light I think)
and jump into the air. Then I have the ability to fly as fast as neo
in the matrix reloaded
I strongly recommend myself to see it too. Poking bits of yourself throught other bits of yourself is a great idea, especially if there are no walls about. I never thought of that! Oooh, how about turning yourself inside out?! anyone tried this?
I have had to lucid dreams. One really short the second quite long. I tried flyiong in both of my dreams with little success. The first time I just kinda hovvered. The second time i tried running and jumping like mario with a cape. Did not work. Instead i tried to do simple things like make the radio go aoff and conjuring my dog to come up the stairs. I tried to expect it to happen. I would say “My dog will appear in three seconds
1…2…3…” he comes up the stairs. Awesome really. What I dont get is why flying is so difficult for me. Any tips?
I think that some things in a LD are just hard to do because you think it is hard. I mean, it IS a dream! You should be able to do anything you like, there are no psysical laws whatsoever. This said, for me most of the time flying and sticking my finger through a wall or just walking through a door is realy easy once i tell myself “its a dream, anything goes”…
The tip about flying is a good one. I have increased speed by imagining myself flying, and at the same time the world is moving past me so I went very fast.