Incredible ! 10 LD in a row ?!

Hi everyone !
Since i got my first LD, i stopped being active around here.
I couldn’t do it again.

But something INCREDIBLE and AMAZING just happened !
Here’s the story :
I took a nap, about 3 hours at most. i wanted to WILD again. Once i felt some vibrations, i chickened out :cry:
so i fell asleep. This is the weird part ! i’m not sure about what i’m saying, but i think i started imagining what i would do if i were in a LD. Surprisingly and mysteriously i was in one. I don’t know how, i did not fell SP or anything, i don’t remember !
So,i tried to maintain it. Once it was gone, i was in my bed and did not move (DEILD) I felt vibrations and stuff at the moment my dream ended.
So i kept going IN and OUT of LDs maybe 10 times ! xD
The only problem is i don’t remember them, or nearly. :eh:
I’m confused. How did i do that ? :happy:

Questions to ask yourself in order to figure how you did it:

  • How much sleep did you get the night before?
  • What time of day did you nap?
  • How long did it take you to fall asleep?
  • What technique(s) did you use to get your vibrations before you “chickened out”?
  • What was your attitude as you fell asleep?

Thats fantastic :happy: I don’t work with WILD or DEILD but usually i can have 3-5 lucid dreams that i remember vividly every night. not sure what the most i’ve had is. Good job on getting back into LDing!

* How much sleep did you get the night before?

Not much, about less than 5 hours. That’s why i needed a nap.

* What time of day did you nap?

Around 2 PM.

* How long did it take you to fall asleep?

Hmm. I suppose this means after i gave up. Less than 10 mins. I don’t even remember, was really fast !

* What technique(s) did you use to get your vibrations before you “chickened out”?

WILD, as always.

* What was your attitude as you fell asleep?

I was in some kind of i don’t care mode, i just wanted to sleep. The wierd thing is each time i do that, something happens ^^’

I’m still very confused. I’ll try it again tomorrow, if i can. :neutral:

Thanks, but i don’t remember much ^^’
like 1 or two, and not even close to vivid.
But i know it was awesome ! :happy:

that’s kinda the technique i use, i imagine im lucid, while i drift to sleep, i’t doesn’t show good results always but it does from time to time :tongue:

it seems like a VILD to me,your first attempt at least,after that you were just chaining,but if i may ask,how do you know that your dreams were lucid if you don’t rememeber them :eh:

Haha, i do remember some stuff, but not much. I remember getting out of dreams, entering them and doing stuff.

If tried VILD once, no success. Maybe if i try VILD when i get vibrations, or when i’m tired it would work :happy:

Maybe while imagining what it would be like to be in a lucid dream, you actually started visualizing. If you kept visualizing while falling asleep you can actually end up in a dream.