Incubating Dreams

Hi everyone!!! :smile: I’m new here and very excited and determined to start lucid dreaming even more. I feel like the thing that might help the most is getting involved and reading and writing about dreams and lucid dreams. So, I wanted a place to create dream settings and get feedback from other lucid dreamers, so this felt perfect.

So, here is a dream setting that would love to be in. I feel like if I concentrate on it long enough and think about it, I will visit it. I have been to this place this place before, and I want to figure out how to get back to it. Any suggestions on this method?

Place: At the beach. The sand is always sort of wet to some degree, although not soaked, but still slightly wet. It is universally damp, it does not get drier or wetter if it is closer to the shore or the top of the beach, respectively. The sand is not colorful in particular, sort of a tannish gray color, getting this color from the sky above. It is low tide, and the waves are coming in at a steady rate, but they are not particularly high. The water is only slightly blue, but the lack of bright light makes it more gray. The sky is gray and cloudy, the different shades from white to dark gray really stand out. It is not raining, but feels like it could any second, from the pressure that the sky sort of emanates. The clouds aren’t moving, just sitting still, sort of eerily. The temperature is sort of cool, I would say in the mid sixties, and not particularly hot or cold. It is only windy sometimes, and when the wind does blow, it is cool and not very fast. There is no connection between the beach and the outside world. All there exists is a concrete wall, about two feet high, between the beach and where a parking lot should be. There are no light posts, buildings, streets, cars, planes, or anything. Sometimes, the sun will sort of shine through the clouds, making that spot a bright white, but that is the lightest it will get. The humidity is moderate to high, but not so uncomfortable that it is noticeable. In the setting, I feel lightweight and careless. There are never really any noticeable sea animals in the water, not that it matters very much.

So is this a good idea? I appreciate feedback and I hope to spend more time on the forum and get to know others. Thanks!

That sounds like a nice dream setting. :grin: To incubate it though, you’ll have to think about it a lot. It should pretty much be the only thing you daydream about. Also, visualizing that location before falling asleep would help. Good Luck. :smile:

try Paradiso. it’s a two-week program designed to help you enter your “dreamscape”.