Info On Pild

How do you go about doing the PILD technique that I have recently read about? It stands for Punishment Induced Lucid Dream. Any information helps! Thank you! :content:

P.S. Also, do any of you have any experience with this technique? I would like to know if it generally worked for anyone…

It’s just whatever you make it. Wake up and have no recall of a lucid dream, then punish yourself. Cold shower or something to that effect ought to do it, but make sure it doesn’t cause any self harm (as that would just be unhealthy for obvious reasons). Some people claim it helps train their psyche.

Also, if you want the flipside, every time you do lucid dream reward yourself the next day, maybe a chocolate bar or mocha or whatever. Again, keep it realistic and don’t go overboard. If you’re consistent you might see results, but personally I think there are more effective methods for achieving lucidity.

Oh, ok I understand now! :tongue: Yeah I think I’ll stick to MILD and WILD. Thanks!