Initiated my first HH, it was awesome... (long)

Sorry it’s long, I hope people get some enjoyment and help from this. :smile:

I have had several HI’s (or HH’s) during my life on accident and not knowing what they were. I started reading about the WILD method and I realized that these things have a name about a week ago. I have been trying WILD twice a night (using the WBTB method) for about a week now and I initiated my first one, it was so cool! Once I can consistently get to this state I will not be far off from getting to LDs–the next step.

The Experience:
I usually fall asleep on my right side but have always tried WILD on my back. Well, I did WBTB method (4.5 hours sleep + .75 hours wake) and I started to initiate the WILD technique on my back. I got very relaxed and hesitant to move but I just can’t fall asleep on my back. I was trying to create a little world for me to step through. The world was to contain a series of doors which I would open and step into a completely new world. I got bored after about 30 minutes of creating the scenario. I rolled over on my right side and tried to continue or fall asleep (I was over it at this point).
Within a minute I fell through my bed and a vague image of a young devil (he was probably in his early twenties like myself) flashed into my vision. His face was disfigured like darth maul and he had little horns just starting to protrude from his forehead. He spoke quite loudly in my head with a little musical rhyme scheme, “Lets cree-ate a world our own” (stressed then unstressed syllables). He had a little demonic smile on his face and a demeanor like that of an evil clown. His image was followed by a slight feeling of madness and laughter.
I wasn’t really scared of him because I am pretty fearless and I am also generally more excited then scared when a nightmare strikes me; I live such a peaceful life that I am always amazed to find such evil lurking in my mind. His little laugh made my heart pound with excitement and I sorta sprung back up through my bed.
The jolt woke me up but I was able to experience a couple more voices (like a crowd of people talking in the distance) before I finally fell asleep…

That’s awesome man! Do you realize how close you were to performing a WILD? The next time you experience HI like that, especially that vivid, try to zoom yourself into it, or rather shape it into a 3D world. Before you know it, you’ll be standing right next to that demonic clowned laughing young devil, free to do anything or go anywhere that you want.