Innate ability?

Hello. First off I would like to say that most of these people that claim to be gifted at lucid dreaming are mistaken. If you were gifted at something you were born with (in this case, the ability to dream) then you must have been obvserving your natural talent as far back as you can remember. I think most of you that claim to possess this gift actually mean you picked up lucid dreaming really quickly, meaning the exercises worked wonders for you in a short amount of time. I had to make this statement because (as you will soon find out) people claiming natural ability caused me a lot of confusion hen I first started researching this subject.

I am of course new to the practice of lucid dreaming. I am not new to lucid dreaming itself. When I was little (im talking 6 or 7) I had the ability to dream lucidly with the utmost ease. I would have about 95% control of my dreams. Now, after researching the subject, I can safely say that the lost 5% of control was due to my lack of contact with other lucid dreamers. I did not know the tricks of the trade (I encountered the good old loss of flight problem). I was still damn good. Infact I was so good I remember once lying down, not even tired, and instantly constructing my dream world.
I vaguely remember there being speculation at the time concerning a correlation between one’s IQ and one’s abilities in the dream world. Well sure enough, I was scoring higher than everyone on tests with out touching one homework assignment. I am not here to brag though. Towards the beginning of middle school I started to feel my above average control over my dreams slip. Ever since then, I think I have had about 3 lucid dreams. I am 18 now so that is about 3 lucid dreams in the past 5 years. I still achieve god like power in my dreams and have decent recall, but I am not observing the lucidity I once knew like the back of my hand. Now, when I analyze my situation I would assume that there must be some connection (for me) between puberty and lucid dreaming. This is a very sound assumption considering a boy/man’s priorities change from candy to sex during puberty. Another possible answer I think, is that I started playing football and practicing martial arts during middle school. As most of you know, doing most anything physical can have a big effect on your hormone production which in turn can effect your thought priority. Finally, there is one other explanation I thought up. I grew up in a computer-based environment so I was playing games like wolfenstein/doom when other kids were playing mario. At the same time I played mario and sonic. I believe that this gave me the ability to understand the concepts of 2d and 3d at an early age. In essence, I believe I learned the difference between watching a controlled environement and taking part in a controlled enviornemnt at and early age. I wouldn’t have mentioned this computer/video game related theory if i didn’t remember this certain minute detail from one of my lucid dreams during the peak of my lucid dreaming: I ran, took off, started flying normally, I flew really high into the air, but as I approached the ground I realized that what appeared to be buildings from above were just polygonal designs on the ground, everything was flat like the old 80s flight sims.

I present you pros with all of this information so you could answer some questions for me (if you don’t mind :smile: )
Did any of you experience innate ability of that magnitude?
Does it appear I had true natural ability?
Do you think my loss of lucidity is related to puberty, exercise, and/or the 2d/3d concepts?
If what I have described is indeed natural ability, is there anyway I can capitolize on it?
Did any of you have any of the same experiences I did?
Is there really a correlation between brain power and dreaming?

Once again, an answer to any of these would be nice. Thank you for reading my long boring post and wish me luck in rediscovering lucid dreaming.

Reading your post caused me to think back to a theory I once created regarding age and lucidity in dreams.

You’re certainly not alone claiming to be far more proficient at Lucid Dreaming when you were very young. I persoanlly experienced a similar profound ability to Lucid Dream at a young age. I never dismissed any association between Lucid Dreaming and intelligence, but I suspect the key element here is in fact age.

The younger you are, generally the more active your conscious mind is. Perhaps this is why it seems to be easy to become lucid at a younger age?

Anyway, as for how it was lost. I don’t think it matters what you do as you mature. Obviously, if you practised techniques for inducing Lucid Dreams during this process it would certainly allow you to be more successful, but this is not the point I’m making.

It seems that people lose this ‘natural’ ability at a certain age, which actually happens with a lot of other things as well.

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘capitolizing’ on it. You certainly can regain this ability with time, practise and above all, patience.

Like yourself, I let this ability degrade in what appeared to be a natural process. However, I got back into it after discovering several online resources and now enjor a moderate sucess rate of about 1 per week.

I hope you do rediscover this incredible ability. :smile:

im sorry for not making a relevent reply to such a well thought out post… but i dont see the division between candy and sex. why does one have to give up candy to have sex… wouldnt it be much more enjoyable to include both passions?

You missed the point, austizmo :smile:

He was talking about priorities, not exclusive interest. At a young age, you PREFER candy. When you get older, you PREFER sex. Nothing is stopping you from having both, however :wink:

both eh?.. :cheesy:

this give me an idea! :content:

SEX WITH CANDY!!!.. wait… no :eh:

Well…i disagree with first post.
I never had lds(or i dont rem)at young age.I found out about them over a year ago and then they came.Not many-few.
All i do for last year is working on my ld ability.Effect is that i have little of them.Start was ok,then 6 mnths nothing,for last 2 months 2 lds.Wonder how you call such a score?
During this year i met a lot of people,among them people having lds everyday,people having them week long,so on so on.
Even if its not the gift then its a skill.If its a skill…why practicing it everynight and everyday for over 400 days is not bringing the progress?even opposite.
Then -what about people having them without even trying?People who even want to stop them?I call it a gift cuz sure it is a gift.A talent if u prefere.
Even calling it a skill causes that you can be more or less talented towards something.And sometimes the thing you have picked up is just not for you-if you cant draw as a talent you can learn it and still draw-but theres no place for you between Picasso and Matisse.Simple.
Thing is im little upset on things being like this cuz i had this bad luck to be born among the people with no talent towards lds.Whatever i do it seems they just come or not,not because im doing something but out of the blue.
I fully understand that till we have some smart pill or high tech device ill never had everyday,week long lds.Simple as that

Thanx for the input guys. I also would call it a gift… its just too bad I lost my gift.

You did say that you lost your “gift”? i dont think so, maby temporarily. I had a time for 2 or 3 years ago when i didint have as much LDs that i have today. I know now later that it was that i did have other stuff to think about and my mind raced around not just calming down.
Id say try mediation exercises, (that what i did) go back to basic, try to read something about lucid dreaming, others lucid dreams(?) or something. Try to remember your old LDs, that helps sometimes. never give up on LD. Its perfectly natural, so i wouldnt say your ‘gift’ is gone when it comes to a natural thing…