Insomnia - Can't sleep!

I’ve made a big topic with all the insomnia related threads I’ve found, in the hope you can find useful info.

For some people, reading helps, but for others it doesn’t. You have to read stupid books which don’t require intellectual effort. :content: Generally speaking, you have rather not to do intellectual work before going to sleep.

In a sleep laboratory, they did some “soft” researches about insomnia and they found that imagining a relaxing scene, like a landscape, was a good cure against insomnia. In the other hand, counting sheep requires a mental concentration and often leads to fall asleep later than normal.
Counting sheep no aid to insomnia

Here you can find a general article about insomnia:
Treatment Methods for Insomnia: Critical Evaluation
…but I don’t think you’ll find any practical tips.

In homeopathic treatments, you can take coffee (at homeopathic doses, of course!).
In herbal treatments or tea, chamomile, valerian and passion flower are said to be sedative.

I can stress enough the importance of a good sleep hygiene and of not doing any intellectual effort before going to sleep.
Try going to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning. Avoid napping during the day. Avoid eating a heavy meal late in the evening. Avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine at night. Caffeine (coca cola, coffee) has his maximal effect 5 hours after you drink it. Get regular physical exercise but not too near bedtime. Try progressive relaxation techniques to help you relax.

If you wake up during the night, don’t stay in bed but get out of it, wait for 15 mn and go back to bed. I hope all this can help! :smile: