Out of curiosity, I’d like to know if any other insomniacs experience this when they’re trying to get to sleep, I’ve kinda just started thinking of it as my sleep process. The whole thing happens over a period of about two hours or more on a normal night
-I lie down, try to find a comfortable position, give up and just lie still. Clear my head (Thank you meditation practice) and lie in silence for a bit.
-After some time my body starts feeling extremely heavy, like my tissues are turning into…something rather heavier than they are really. This heavyness spreads usually from distal extremities to the rest of my body.
-After that I start feeling my heartbeat grow stronger and stronger until I can feel every pump throughout my whole body. Every finger, in my arms and legs and my head too. (my old bedframe used to be a bit loose and would click whenever I moved around in bed, but it would also click in rhythm with my heartbeat when this happened)
-Next my limbs start to tingle faintly and lose definition…I start having trouble telling where my hand ends and my bed begins for example, and eventually I start getting sensations from places that I’m not touching. Like say my arm is at a 45degree angle from my torso…eventually I start feeling like I can feel from the space between my arm and torso.
-As this is happening I start getting really mild HI, and I watch very faint twisting shapes from behind my eyelids. Sometimes I’ll even experience some positive myoclonus while this is happening.
Often times I’ll end up losing my willpower after too long and the sensations become so uncomfortable that I shift position, which immediately halts all of the aforementioned effects and causes the whole process to start all over again.
The problem is that I can lie awake in this state for over an hour easy without falling asleep, and it’s getting a bit concerning considering hypnagogia and myoclonic jerks are supposed to be a sign of sleep onset, right? I’ll be going to a sleep specialist sometime in the foreseeable future, but I just would like to know if anyone else gets stuck like this, borderline asleep but still unable to bridge that last gap.