Insomnia - Can't sleep!

/me reads through topic…
just relax in bed
go to bed tired
watch TV or read in bed to relax

more physical exercise in the day can help

don’t nap in the day to catch up

#sixFirst I think it’s good to write all about what went on during the day, because most likely those recent day thoughts are what’ll keep you up. Youv’e got to get it out of you some way, and just thinking about it is the root to insomnia.

avoid caffeine

try melatonin

Apparantly, it’s best to sleep with your head pointing NORTH because of the Earth’s magnetic field


Nathan Roy
Try warm milk with a little bit of vanilla and sugar in it.
try counting: 1, im dreaming, 2, im dreaming, etc. Sorta like sheep but Dreams instead. :tongue:

do not exercise before bed
only use your bedroon for sleeping
Don’t watch the clock when you are trying to sleep.

61 point relaxation method <-- link

Dark Sider
keep healthy sleep habits: only use the bed for sleep, and always go to bed at the same time, and always get up at the same time, even on weekends.

Lay still, because just by laying quietly and thinking pleasant thoughts you are resting your body and your mind.
While not quite as refreshing as sleep, it is quite enough to keep you going and more importantly it takes the pressure off of trying to go to sleep. Laying still and not fretting, try it.

Lay down in bed early, and practice using a WILD method. I find a lot of hidden fatigue will come up

I have cornflakes w/ warm milk and some sugar (splenda) but sugar is better. or a cup of chamomille tea w/ honey.

Basilus West
Here you can find a general article about insomnia:
Treatment Methods for Insomnia: Critical Evaluation
In herbal treatments or tea, chamomile, valerian and passion flower are said to be sedative.

Drink some good hot milk before going to bed :smile: It must be hot because cold milk doesn’t work (because in hot milk there’s far more tryptophan, a precursor to some important brain chemicals involved with sleep).

i found this article with helpful tips. Hope it is of help to anyone.

How about using Brainwave generator or another Binaural beat program or Cd.Walmart sells a Cd called “Sleep” that works

I have found out that there is little use in trying hard to fall asleep. What works best for me, is to make the time in bed less boring by for example imagining interesting scenes. They have to be far from real life, to not start distracting trains of thought. More often than not, I fall asleep in the middle of that.
Something else that works for me is to pay attention to the feeling of lying in bed, how comfortable it is, and how hard it would be if i had to get up now.

Try reading something that is really boring to you at the time.

finally as a last resort there is always mild sleeping tablets
I will split this topic now. :thumbs: