I heard that it was imposssible to go into a lucid dream right as soon as you fal asleep. Last night I was lying in bed and all the sudden i was sitting in bed. I suddenly realized i was dreaming. After about five seconds it fizzled off and i woke up. I feel asleep agian and I had a long vivd dream in which i was wasted drunk. I woke up agian and it had been no longer than a half hour since i had gone to bed. Also at school the next morning, i kept dozing off in class. I kept “waking Up” in the dream world while i was barely asleep. I was sitting there in class in the same spot but i was now dreaming and I new it. it lasted anbout 30 seconds. This happened about three times. Does this mean I can induce LD’s right of the bat??
Well… if you can do it at will, yes. If it just happens, maybe you can learn to do it at will. Congratulations.
And stay awake in class.
The more in sleep debt you are the sooner REM starts.It is possibile to have a dream right after you have gone to bed but its just not likely.
take care:)
Jack’s right. If you’re extremely tired and sleep deprived (as you probably are if you’re falling asleep in class), then it’s possible that you’ll enter REM very shortly after going to sleep. One of the Sun-Eye methods actually employs this technique (#4 or 5, I think) to allow the maximum amount of REM in a fairly short time. Personally I’d rather stick to my current methods.
I’ve had something very similar happen to me before. I just got back home from school and i lied down on my bed to take a nap. Soon i opened my eyes again and saw that my ceiling was sorta warping and instantly i knew i was dreaming. This happened to me on those days when i was extremely sleep and REM sleep deprived.
The thing that bugs me about WBTB is that while it sounds like a great method, I can’t really do it because any sort of waking apparatus would also wake my little brother, and UNFORTUNATELY, I must take his own needs into consideration. Too bad that unless you are sleep-deprived (which is highly unpractical) or a natural (which I unfortunately am not), it can be very difficult to initiate an LD as soon as you get to sleep, although Pedro’s idea seems to contradict that.
I’m guessing naps are going to be my best bet for practicing LDs. While dozing off in math class as my teacher was printing out grade sheets, I had several dreams each about a half-a-second each before waking back up. In one of them I actually noticed my hand was missing and thought something was odd. Too bad that I wasn’t trying to stay asleep because I had a real good feeling about that…
And well done:
To Daedulas:
I was Reading a post the other day about a alrm clock device that just vibrates. If you put it in your pocket or something, it wouldnt wake your little brother. Its like 40 bucks though....
That’s a nifty idea. It isn’t like I don’t have the money (I’ve hardly spent any money since I got a job over a year ago). I’d just have to wear something with pockets while I sleep. The only problem with this that I forsee is that I’m a very heavy sleeper. One time my little brother woke up crying, turned on the lights, and had my mom come in, and I stayed asleep through the whole thing. My mom told me about it in the morning.
As for the falling asleep in class, I think it has something to do with when I think of something. Whenever my mind is blank in class or whatever, I don’t fall asleep, but when I’m preoccupied with thoughts, I find myself nodding off. I usually fall asleep on the bus too, but luckily I’m on the last stop.
I’ve had a bit of a nagging question. Is there a correlation between sleepwalking and lucid dreaming, because I happen to sleepwalk more than the average person…
I think that I heard that sleep walking (and talking) generally happen in sleep stages other than REM … so my guess would be that there wouldn’t be much connection since LD’s most probably happen mostly in REM.
But if you sleep walk and it causes you to wake up, you should definitely use that as an opportunity for WBTB or WILD.
Tobed it sounds like you probably did WILD without noticing it.
Don’t wear anything with pockets to bed. Pockets lead to, things in your pockets, and those things lead to harder drugs. Studies prove it!
What?! Either your speaking jiberish or you have worn to many pockets to bed yourself.
hehe j/k
It’s something you constantly hear out of the United States, Marijuana leads to harder drugs.
So I surmised that wearing a clothing garment with pockets to bed also leads to harder drugs.
They have studies; I have studies, 3 out of 4 nights going to sleep with pocketed shorts, I wake up in the morning with coke dust on my face. Think about it.
Yes it is possible to have an LD right at bed time. I can be done without prior sleep and without using sleep depravation(REM rebound). It does take more training practice and patients. I do it with a combination of self hypnosis and WILD. You can also use meditation.
That is, if you’re trying to do it on purpose…
Get back to work, Mr. President.