Instant Lucidity (works for me)

isn’t this the same as WILD? just using something else to keep you awake until you dream? It sounds like it works a lot better than counting. This reminds me, whenever I think of a repeating sound/image I can actually hear/see it, but It is normally accompanied with me seeing myself trip over and jumping in bed. Counting normally keeps me awake too much (and it is sooooo boring) I will try this instead.

Good to know. :gni:

Not to get off topic, but can you guys actually hear the music as if it were playing on a speaker, or just listening to it in your head? If it’s just in your head and you know it’s in your head I can do that too. Anyways, i tried this technique a couple of nights ago with mixed success. Got pretty far WILD’ing with it but wasn’t able to become lucid.

Sort of… I mean, it sounds like it did in real life, but it doesn’t seem as if i were hearing it with my ears. Think of the ‘voice’ you think with inside your head, it’s the same kinda sound as that. So it sounds like you can do it too.

awesome! i’ll try this tonight

I think this will be a much easier variation of WILD for me… For the past years, the problem is either staying awake (since I unwillingly lose interest in controlled breathing, counting, visualizing walking up/down stairs, etc.) or falling asleep (since I sometimes combine techniques such as controlled breathing, counting, visualizing walking up/down stairs, etc.).

I’ll try this tonight. :wink:

This will probobly sound really stupid but here goes… when you are visualizing the dots, are your eyes supposed to open or closed???


i should realy give this one a try :grin:

When you visulize the dots as shown here … 346114.swf do you see them in your mind’s eye as if you look at this web page or just think about it? I know kT4all already asked this question but know1 replied bak to it!

I’ll give it a go :smile:

:confused: OK, so I’m new to this Lucid dreaming, and I’m a little freaked out. The first time it happened was a couple months ago, and I realized I was dreaming in the middle of the dream, and won’t get into the details of the dream, but I then had numerous times when I thought I was awake because I was in my bedroom and this woman was trying to strangle me and I realized I was still dreaming, and woke up, told my fiance the story of the weird dream I had, then he starting strangling me, still dreaming, struggling because I thought If I struggled enough my fiance would wake me up, anyway, this went on and on like 6 times. Finally woke up in the morning, did some research and found out that I had Lucid dreaming & False awakenings. It happened again last night, over and over. I realized I was dreaming, This time I knew what was happening, did obnoxious things in my dreams, and said I would just wake up to make it like it never happened, so, everytime there was a false awakening, it was followed by a lucid dream, that I would wake myself up to get out of the weird situations I got my dreaming self into, just to prove that I had control over my dream, but only a false awakening. I’m just a little freaked out, I feel that if this were 200 years ago, I would be burning at the stake right now.

Now that you know what is going on, instead of trying to wake yourself up, you should remain in the dream and have fun!
I WISH I had recurring FA’s. It would make lucid dreaming soo much easier.
(perhaps a mod should move these last two posts to an appropriate area of the forum :razz:)

Do you have SP with this method?

I’ve tried the repeating images method many times, but my mind makes images and puts them over the repeating images so I can never quite focus on them :sad:

I used to do this a lot…

Hello, well this seams easy beacause when i wake up at like 3 am to try a method i fall asleep trying to make myself relaxed. The animation of the dots isnt working (error on the website of something). Well i shal try this tonight :smile: hope it works.