Intense symbolism in my dreams lately

Lately, every single one of my dreams are just so filled with symbolism, I’m forced to look up all the things in my dreams because if I don’t, I’ll go CRAZY until I do, (usually to me that’s a sign that the dream MEANS something and my mind is eggin’ me on).

What’s strange, is that the dreams are ways for me to help myself about anxiety and stuff like that (I have social anxiety disorder) and the other night, after this one dream I had where I accomplished something, I awoke to find that most of my day was filled with NO anxiety at all! Sort of like a gift or something… it was weird.

I’ve been trying like hell to become lucid in these dreams to talk to someone or something but me and lucidity is just… rare. lol. I would love to be lucid in these dreams I’ve been having and ask my DC’s what I should do, or why they are there, etc. (In fact, this has been my goal since I found out about lucid dreaming! Well, that, and I want my future husband to materialize in front of me LOL but that can come later!! :wink: )

So anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has dreams with intense symbolism in them (and accurate too, I might add. * * <~ I live off of that dictionary!) because I think my unconscoius mind is trying to work in my favor hehe.

And just as a side note, I should also throw in that I have ~always~ taken things in my dreams seriously, and I’ve always had good dream recall since as far back as I can remember. I’m not sure why I ever began analyzing my dreams because no one that I know does that, or has ever done that, but I always have… :smile:

I had a similar experience several years ago. What I discovered was that the more attention I pay to specific symbolisms, the more blatent they became. It became almost embarrassing it was so obvious after awhile:) For me, the symbolisms have remained pretty easily decipherable, but become more abstract when my time is limited.
Even biologically speaking, you’re brain is attempting to “come to terms with” or “expel excess tension”. I’m not surprised at all that you awoke feeling less anxiety.
Side Note on Social Anxiety: I am a Psych major and am very interested in how different individuals combat these difficulties. As I used to suffer from such anxieties, I know how difficult they can be. Do you mind if I ask how you deal with them?