
Hello there!

What do you guys and girls think of INTENTION?

I began working on my intention some time ago. Each day at least once I acknowledge my will to be a lucid dreamer.

And each night before sleep I intend to be awake in my dreams and I keep the intention while falling asleep.

Since I began doing that it seems I’m almost able to induce lucid dreams at will!

I make sure my intention isn’t just words. Words often guide my focus, yes, but I make sure to feel the intention deeply - when it’s done “right”, I get a feeling in my body - a “yes, this is what I want!”-feeling.

I do other things too, though:

  1. Each morning (and sometimes at night) I write my dreams down.
    I learn to remember them and get to know them.

  2. I reality check during the day; counting fingers reality check mostly.

  3. I intend at least once during the day. I make sure to be alone, often a quite place when I do this.

  4. Sometimes (rarely, though) I take a nap during the day.

  5. When I go to bed, I refresh my intention and making it time specific - i.e.: TONIGHT I want to awake during my sleep.

  6. I often use the WBTB at night. Being up at least 3 minutes. Sometimes (rarely, though) a full hour. When I do that, I refresh my intention again.

It’s like the art of intention really is the key for me to have lucid dreams almost at will. The other things (RC’s etc. is helpfull, but it’s when I genuinely INTEND the magic happens).

I make sure to intend every day. When I intend now it feels differently than when I did it for the first time. It’s like it’s a more confident intention. Every time I intend, it’s like the intention is getting stronger.

So over time and through repetition (and being genuine about the intention!!) it’s getting stronger and stronger.

I think about some different elements in an intention:

Being genuine and repeating it over time (not 100 times in the minute - I’m more thinking about working on it over time)
Having the desire without any “conflict-desire” pulling in the other direction)
Why do you want to be lucid? Maybe it’s because of the freedom, maybe it’s because of a specific action, etc. The goal can change, and you can have many.

There are probably even more elements.

What’s yours experience with intention?


Hi Gjedde, thanks for the reminder, I’m working on this myself. Intention is really important but only if it’s genuine. If you honestly desire LDs without getting obsessed by it (“conflict-desire” as you call it - neat term) you’re halfway on the path. My own experience confirms this. Since you also use other methods like keeping a dream diary and WBTB it’s no miracle you have this success - though inducing LDs at will also points to talent.

You have mentioned it yourself already, but I would explicitly add the element patience to the list. Working on it day after day, month after month, so the intention can grow in a natural healthy way. Walking the path with digilence. It needs some practice to learn this, but when you “get” it the mind becomes a powerful tool in reaching the goals we really want.