I came up with an interesting idea to try while falling back asleep or doing WILD. I think there is a slight possibility that if you move your eyes in coordination with where are are looking in your visualization, it might induce REM faster. Its proven that you look the same direction IRL as you do in the dream during REM, so I think there could be a signifigance to trying this. At the least it will probably make your visualizations more vivid because it sure did for me. Of course this would be best to try after sleeping for several hours and maybe waking during a dream. Also, if you don’t move your body when awakening from a dream, then you can re-enter that dream much faster. Combining these ideas, I have been able to enter dreams conciously for the past few days inducing some short LD’s . The only problem I have is that you sort of have to “wait” for the dream to unfold. I have ended up in lucid half-dreams that weren’t very stable.
Recap of my REM induction idea:
1)Awaken from a dream after sleeping around 5 hours.
2)If an alarm woke you up, keep it within arms reach in an obvious spot so you don't have to move much other than your arm to turn it off.
3) Retain your position and do not shift at all. Remain just as you were while sleeping.
4) Visualize your intended dream or the dream you just woke from, BUT....coordinate your actual eye movement with where ever you look in your visualization. As Pedro said in his "LD at will" post, visualize as if you were seeing it with your actual eyes.
5)Another thing I find that assists this is to narrarate your visualization. Use your mind's voice to tell what you are currently percieving, doing, and planning to do next. This helps you to hear your thoughts once you do enter the dream.
6) And before you know it the images should get more detailed until you actually begin to hear and feel things happening and you are probably dreaming by then.
So basically this technique involves maintaining your muscle’s paralyzed position so it brings less time your body needs to relax again before sleep…
Making your eyes simulate REM which might help it occur faster…
Keeping your mental voice active to keep you aware of your thoughts while dreaming. It also helps keep your visualization under control to prevent random things from popping into your head.