intentions of dreaming :D

You know what I love about dreaming?

You can eat as much as you want, and never fill up!
I just got locked in a doughnut shop unlimited dream dollars :content:

The dream was quite vivid, which isn’t common for me. And it made me wonder if the intentions of what we do in our dreams shapes how concious we are of them. Ie, if you do something really fun, that is quite unexpected, it might be more vivid than if you did the same thing over and over again. i got very surprised with this dream(since i haven’t eaten a doughnut in possibly years) and it seemed to make me more aware of it.

Perhaps semi-concious ND’s and LD’s intensity/clarity could be recalled by forcefully summoning a very odd situation that makes you really have to think about it, thus excersizing that state of awareness of the situation, thus making you more aware you’re dreaming :smile:

I’d be nice to hear from some experiences with this. What im basically talking about is sorta like LL only you shape your dream boundaries around reality checks (example: summon and place clocks everywhere in your dream, just so you can constantly be ‘living’ in a reality check, watching the digits fly around insanely) that way if you’re living in a RC, the dream should be very very vivid if you are constantly aware that you are dreaming. Id like someone who’s fairly frequent with thier LD’s to try this out :content: