interesting article on obe's titled God on the Brain

Hi there,

I have just found this article on the bbc website, it seems old but i am not sure if anybody here has seen it so i thought i would post it here,

it is quite interesting and talks about the use of some kind of magnetic device which i have mentioned before, it can be used as a way to help induce obes, tell me what you think.

Wow this is kool…i gotta take a closer look at this…

I have heared of this method before, scientists say that by activating/stimulating certain brain areas they can induce an OBE. Certainly interesting, but what does it show? Does it show that OBE’s are nothing more then a reaction of our brain to certain chemical/electrical stimuli, thereby dismissing any spiritual meaning it might have? Or does it leave room for a more complex explanation, in which your spirit/mind are interconnected and where, by inducing certain stimuli, there can happen a seperation of the two, thus resulting in an OBE? I would opt for the latter…

Also they (scientist) forget another thing!

How experienced are there volunteers with consciousness and staying lucid in all sleep stages!

Because many ppl think they have obes but have just smart lds.
so many volunteers they seek out are in my eyes just beginners when it comes to being experienced at consciousness.

so it only means something if u would take yogi, because they diciplined there consciousness at such a level that they easely could tell what is happening and at what level such a device plugs into!

I don’t think they can disprove the theory of an OBE being spiritual.