i dont frequent the site too much, although it is my homepage so i remember to check my reality. so im not sure if this topic has been covered.
the other night i seemingly had a dream that went sort of like this: i was asleep and realized i was in a lucid dream, so i did something tha ti would normally do in an LD (but this was only my second one ever) whe i woke up, i went to this forum to try and post a topic that i was excited about what had happened and such, but i wouldnt go throuhg, so i went back to sleep. then i woke up in the morning, but realized that the whole thing was actually a dream, and i DREAMT that i had a dream which was an LD. whats the deal with that, i try so hard to have an LD and i end up just dreaming about it. any thoughts on that?
It was a false awaking. You were just dreaming about waking up but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t got LD. I have been trying to have a LD just for a month but I have already had 2 false awakings. It sometimes occure after a normal dream and sometimes after LD. If try to look you would find more about fase awakings on this forum.
Sounds to me like you’re getting there. You’ve managed to get it into your subconscious that you want to LD so the next step is just trying to make it realise you’re in a dream when you are.
I can relate to what your saying. I have had many dreams where I dream I am lucid. They frustrate me heaps but I just think to myself that atleast my brain is recognizing my avid attention I pay to becoming lucid.
Personally, dreaming of being lucid, hasn’t been a precursor or sign for having a lucid dream in the near future or anything else I can really recognize.
So all I guess I can help you with is that it isn’t a bad thing to dream you’re lucid.