I’ve only had a couple LD’s, which both I was very proud of. They weren’t very high-level, but at least I’m getting there, right? What I was wondering is that, whenever I had these dreams, when I was IN THEM, it felt like I was living it. When I woke up, it just seemed like another dream (not like an actual memory).
Those of you who have had very high-level LD’s: is it the same way?
This is the real problem of a LD.
Since you cant recall everything perfect, you wont have the same experience remembering it. And still, you know it was a dream, that kind of ruins it.
My high-level LDs almost always feel like waking reality. You’re conscious right, just like IRL, so why not. The great thing about LDs is that when I wake up, I can think about them and feel as if I actually did experience it IRL. The feelings stay with me for a few hours, which is great, but then they start to dissipate like with most of my other dreams. However, whenever I have an ND that evokes strong emotions, it stays with me for a long time as well, which is really cool. It’s always sad when the feelings go away and I can no longer connect with that altered state of consciousness.
When I have a high level LD, I remember that it is vivid because I was thinking that it was so vivid. But when I recall it it’s really blurry. I’ll just have to work more on the recall. Sometimes random moments stand out in memory very clearly.
Just think about it abit more. Compare the memory to that other real life memories, then compare that to the memory of an ND.
You should find that you remember LDs alot better then NDs. After all, alot of the time I have to look in my DJ to remember alot of my NDs, but LDs I have no trouble remember (then again, that may be beacuase I’ve only had a few).
Heck, it’s been over a year since my first LD (it was before I actually knew about LDing), and I still remember parts of it .
Last night I tried Pedro’s V.I.L.D. technique. Nothing. Well, maybe something. I didn’t remember any dreams. I think this could be because I’m sick. As soon as I wake up, I focus on my nose being stuffed up and my horrible cough, not the dream I just had.