I realized something in my dream last night. A few weeks ago, on a whim, I put a rubber band around my neck. The other day, it broke. When I was dreaming, I started absentmindedly pulling on the rubber band again, and I remembered that my rubber band had broken. Boom, I realized I was dreaming. Has anyone tried something like this before?
What?? You kept a rubber band around your neck for weeks??? Are you MAD? I dont think many people will have tried decapitation as a dream sign, no.
At school I had to wear a lanyard(sp?) around my neck it was pretty ratty by the end of the school year because I was always playing with it. When I graduated and stopped wearing the thing, occasionally I go to pull on it but only when I’m awake.
I think I need a pair of glasses…
Did I READ that you wore a rubber band AROUND YOUR NECK!?!?
Are you trying to kill yourself or something?
First, let us not consider whether or not you were trying to kill yourself with that rubber band. Then I think that was an excellent dreamsign, because you had it all the time around your neck, so you obviously hád to dream about it. What makes this dreamsign work is the fact that it changed after a while, because it broke.
It’s not a bad idea to wear constantly something out-of-the-ordinary to use as a dreamsign. I think I’ll start wearing a turban or so