last night i got about 4 hours of sleep and the night before that i got 3. my body’s used to 10-12 hours of sleep every night, and i had to work both of those days, so today when i came home i was EXTREMELY tired, i could barely keep my eyes open and just had no energy in general. so i figured it was ther perfect opportunity to practice WILD, so i layed down in my bed (which felt sooo wonderful). for some reason i didn’t start WILD right away, but something strange happened
i had my eyes closed, and i was conscious, and i had several (i’d say at least 5, no more than 8 ) things that i would describe as “mini-dreams.” i would be observing a certain situation for what seemed like a minute, then come back to full consciousness, and then the same thing would happen about a minute later, only each was a different situation, seemingly unrelated to the previous. it was strange though, for some reason my mind emphasized the fact that i was OBSERVING the situations, i was definitely not participating in any way…as if i were invisible to the people in thie “mini dreams.” i became conscious during the last one, but i couldn’t control anything (i’ve only been working on my LD skills for a short while and have had little success, and lately especially i have been bad, so if i ahd been more experienced/skilled perhaps i could have done mroe). between each i just reflected on how strange it was and hoped for more to come…i did not get up because i did not want them to stop. before the last one i could feel the mini dream come on…like i could feel my mind shifting in to different “modes”
after the last one, i waited about 5 minutes and then started practicing WILD. unfortunately i wasn’t determined enough (i’ve been very lazy about my LD practices lately, unfortunately school and work and life have just been crowding my consciousness) and fell asleep as normal, and didn’t remember any dreams when i woke up (been slacking on my dream journal as well)
i’m thinking my body needed the REM cycles, and that’s why i would dream, then become conscious, then dream. what i don’t understand is why i was fully awake in between the REM cycles…after the first one i opened my eyes and did a few reality checks to make sure i wasn’t dreaming, and according to my clock, my nose, my hands, and the cover of EWLD, i was not dreaming
has anyone had any similar experiences? why do you think they occurred this way?