What’s the easiest/quickest way to tune my internal clock? As in: is there any method I can use to set my internal clock correctly?
I know you can use an alarm clock and habit, but it would take time.
Melatonin, or 5-HTP (I suspect tryptophan/warm sweetened milk would do the trick too (since tryptophan is converted into those and to serotonin) but it might be trickier to get right).
I have personally found that doing a regular RC every 90 min for the whole day seems to entrain my circadian rythm to match.
I don’t know if this works for everybody, but I wish I’d known about it sooner – I originally worried quite a bit about how to effectively match my RC’s to my cycle.
It might have taken 2-3 days the first time (I’m not sure) but it only takes one day now.
(I use a count-down timer – there’s a beeping one built in to my watch. I have a vibrating timer too, which is very convenient because not only is it discrete, nondisruptive, and not irritating to people around me, but it also automatically resets itself and runs again without my having to fiddle with it).
Wrong thread?
Sorry, I thought you were asking about how to adjust your sleep cycle –
either :
(1) to deal with jet-lag/shift-work/insomnia or other sleep irregularities, or
(2) to syncronize RCs, or to syncronize alarm-clock settings wake you up when you’re having/finishing a REM period.
Start paying attention more
Its just a matter of will I think. If you wish to develope your internal clock, then you will develope your internal clock. Thats how I do it anyways.
Say, why do you want to tune your internal clock anyways?
I think it’d be EXTREMELY useful for dream recall and lucid dreamimg. I heard that people can “set” thier internal clock and at a certain time later and are actually able to wake up at that time.
I can choose when I wake up. I just think about it before I go to bed.
I’m going to push my internal clock to the limit. Polyphasic sleep!
Just tell yourslelf to wake up at a certain time. But remember, you have to look at the time on your alarm clock before you go to sleep.
Also, you can try banging your head on your pillow. It sounds silly, but if you wanted to wake up at 4:00am, bang your hezd on your pillow (not too hard) four times. Works for me.