interrupted sleep

Awhile ago i tried lucid dreaming for the first time…I would write my dreams down in a note book as soon as I woke up…by the fifth night I had a dream where I was aware I was dreaming but I couldn’t do anything in the dream. Unfortunatley I was waking up around five or six times in one night. Half asleep I would sit straight up in bed and reach for my notebook before I even realised what i was doing… does anyone know if this is normal and if it stops after awhile? I had stop after the fifth night because of lack of sleep…

Hey spiteri, welcome to the forum.

I think there is nothing to worry about, such things can happen when you first start LD-ing. Actally waking up in the night can be used to become lucid, because often there are FA’s too (do a RC when you wake up to be sure). Also, if it’s not a FA, go back to sleep and try WILD or MILD, which can be pretty succesfull when you do this at night. If you get too little sleep just take a break from trying to become lucid for a while. Once you get used to it, you will probably also wake up fewer times.

thanks for your help…this is all very new and interesting to me…I’d never heard of false awakenings before…but it’s started happening again…I woke up four times last night and it’s only my second night of keeping a dream dairy…scary how powerful this stuff can actually be…

Some people are able to wake up at any time of night just from thinking about it before going to sleep. :cool: Have you never woken up 5 minutes before your alarm clock rings? It is the same thing.

Are you remembering more dreams when you wake up at night than you did before?

Im definatley remembering more dreams…each time I wake up…normally I only remember the dream I had just before waking…but now that I’m waking four or five times I’m remembering a dream each time…
As long as I’ve had a good nites sleep I always wake up just before my alarm clock goes off, especially if I’ve something important to do the next day, I can actually count on waking up on time…but i think that’s pretty normal…body clock doing it’s thing I guess…