Intriguing Beliefs

Solipsism. Related, sometimes, to Simulated Reality, one of the most interesting Wikipedia reads.

And in a way relevant to what we do here… how do we know this reality is real if we are able to make realities in our own heads…?

I have come to believe that reality does not exist outside of our minds. It is as if we are experiencing consciousness, if you will, and that the “outside world” is pure fiction. All that we consider reality is just sensory information, all of which ceases to exist when we die. Sensory information. Thoughts, dreams, and the like are just as “real” as anything else.

If this is the case, we sure know how NOT to make one now. Maybe, screw-up after screw-up, the goal is reaching a perfect creation where the cycle can be broken?

I remember reading or hearing about the multiple dimensions theory, and I think t was presented by Hawkings in the Universe In a Nutshell book.

Basically, every instant in time becomes its own universe. Every choice that is ever made creates its own reality and stretches out from there. I think he was using the theory to prove that time travel would not be practical, even if it were possible, due to the fact that changing the past would not effect the future that you are from because it is actually it’s own dimension. If you were to slip into another reality and change something, and then slide back into your own dimension, things would remain unchanged because time is actually a human invention, and all you would have accomplished is creating another dimension/scenario which then continued on its own…

Of course he puts it much more eloquently :razz:

That is also interesting to think about.
Last year I got really into time travel and even read a few of his books, plus the book “How To Build A Time Machine”, (great book by the way).
I think that if we can get an object that can travel much faster than the speed of light, time travel would be possible, but not in the conventional sense.

You would change time, but because time is something that we put a label on, you are just changing labels, the stuff in the can is still the same.

Edit: On the subject of time travel, it is interesting to note that because of the “time dilation factor”, as you approach the speed of light, time gets slower in a way. So technically you are in a different time than everybody else, because you have been traveling at different speeds your whole life.

Edit: I went back and started reading about Solipsism. I like Epistemological Solipsism, but there is only so much that you can learn from Wikipedia, if anybody knows more about Solipsism, or Epistemological Solipsism and would like to chat, please contact me.

Break the cycle? Why, I mean this way things are always intresting. If everything dissolves into some peace, wouldn’t you get bored? This is about making the univerese the way you see fit. I just figure… maybe this universe was made by an amoeba (With the things going on, you’ve got to wonder).

What’s an amoeba?

Now, this is more intriguing than the whole topic.

I agree with PL. That point was fascinating, Shatter.

:tongue: From now on, my god is the amoeba.

Maybe it asexually reproduced and created the other microscopic beings that would come to evolve into the fascinating species we have today.

I would not advise you to say that to a devout religious person though. Asserting that their omnipotent God is, in fact, a protozoa, might tick them off a little bit.


It was one of my theroies about god. The other two are

  1. God is a Jackass.

  2. God is “fast-forwarding” (he’s skipping past the parts we are living through, and not affecting us)

But yeah, God being an amoeba and making this all on accident… could happen. Of course, who wants live in a universe with an amoeba being omnipotent?!

I still don’t know what an amoeba is!!! AAHHHH!!! Well, the couple of posts above kinda ticked me off a little not much though. And what is a protozoa? Shatter actually the # 2 isn’t correct. He talks about the future too you know that we would have to think of and be cautious about. (I am a Christian).

From the premise of Christianity, this could explain gods sudden disappearance after Jesus died. An amoeba is a single-celled organism, very stupid and very slow.

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with your statement.
But I would like you to elaborate a little bit more on that, I just want to see your thought process.

Fortunately for me, most of the “devout” religious people that I know don’t even know what a protozoa is. They might think I’m complementing God.

Okay. God used to talk alot, do miracles and such things as Noahs flood (which was hardly a miracle, more like a disaster.). Then god suddenly stopped talking. And doing things. This was pretty soon after Jesus died. Other than a few cults and such, God dosen’t seem to be talking much. Everything that occured after his disappreance I would attribute to humanity going off on it’s own. This is purely from the premise of christianity.

I can answer that. Jesus has been preparing our rooms in heaven since then. That’s what I’ve been taught I think. I know I said Jesus not God but it’s almost the same thing.