Introducing: SILD

moved from lab :moogle:

Sound Induced Lucid Dream

[i]Before you read on.
You might think now: Who am I to come up with a name for this technique? (Especially if this name is already used for other techniques such as “Sexual ILD” or “Sick ILD” (yes, I searched :wink: ))

The Reason is that it’s a proven technique and it’s not unpopular and used by many persons. There is even a big topic right at the beginning of the Lucid Lab. [/i]

Some of you might be familiar with that phenomenon when you hear a certain noise inside your dream. When you wake up, you noticed that the same noise was coming from the waking live.
This phenomenon proves that sometimes noises from the outside reach us inside our dream world. So do voices.

This is not a new technique at all. People already had success by playing a recording “You are dreaming” while they were sleeping. Someone wrote somewhere “I was inside the train-station and suddenly I heared a voice over the Speakers which told me that I was dreaming.- I did a reality check and knew that I was dreaming.” (Forgot the source)

There are also certain audio files which are specified in reaching you inside the dream world and making you lucid.

I thought that SILD would also cover every LD that is triggered by binaural beats.

Although this technique is not new and there are several successes with it, it’s not very popular. I would like to change that by giving it a proper name.

The technique is also not used very often because it’s just too complicated.
There are certain elements that all have to be intact in order to hear the noise inside your dream- such as Time and Volume. (Too loud, it wakes you up- Too quiet it’s not heared.)

But, once you have figured everything out, it should be possible to have more frequent LD’s because you’re getting used to it and your mind knows what to do.
I’ve had also the idea of just a simple noise that triggers you to do a RC if you hear that noise in your dream. That noise has to be special.
For an example: If you hear a certain music, you do a RC. If you can train this, then it should work for SILD.

I intend to try this tonight, I just recorded myself telling myself to do a reality check :tongue: and will hook it up to an alarm. If I can I’ll get it to play every couple of minutes so if I miss it the first time it’s ok.

This method seems hard to coordinate, but if you can coordinate it right it probably works quite well. I’ll post if it works.

To break away from calling it SILD which apparently is already taken you could try AILD or Audio Induced Lucid Dream… who knows that may be coined already?

Just did a quick google using “Audio induced lucid dream” and nothing matching that exact phrase came up. So it seems you’re golden.

I tried having a recording of me telling myself i’m dreaming go off every hour or so, and I had some success. I don’t remember if I actually heard the voice in my dream, but i do remember putting my finger through my hand, and being faintly aware that I was dreaming. It was faint, and everything faded slowly after that, but it was the closest I’ve gotten to full lucidity yet :happy: .

I actually thought about calling it AILD when I saw that there were some techniques with that name. However I sticked with SILD because it sounded better and the other techniques weren’t so popular (Sick ILD / Shower ILD /etc…)

But I have no problem calling it AILD.
All I care about is that it is recognized as a technique to induce lucid dreams and I think it’s easier to do so if it has it’s own name.

I hope that some people take an interest in this technique and find out new, easier ways to manage it and publish them.

I gatta try this technique. Since I have a full two weeks off of school for the holidays I might post my results here.

I see two problems with this method.

  1. At different times in your sleep, you have different sound waking up thresholds.
    EX. When you are just entering REM from stage 1, you are in a deeper sleep then at the end of your REM stage, but you dream the whole time, and the amount of sound to get into your dream also varies.

  2. For you to realize that you’re dreaming, your dream has to be more or less vivid, not hazy and dark, otherwise you might realize you’re dreaming, but the dream is so hazy that you’ll forget in a couple of minutes anyway.

I’m sure both problems can be avoided, such as making the recording get gradually quieter, and taking B12 supplement, but in my opinion classic techniques such as WILD and MILD are the best.

This sounds like a cool method. i have actually tried this something like this before (playing a metronome) but it was to help me focus (for doing WILD) I’d like to help with this, seeing as the only lucid dreams I’ve had are basically: i realize I’m dreaming then wake up. Are there any specific sounds you would recommend?

Man,i can’t believe i just found this. I’ll try this soon, record myself on my ipod and have it play near my ears when i’m asleep, or i might need to rig it somehow, so it doesn’t play al night. :neutral:

I think this tech could be improved even more if one were to have some kind of condition where he heard the sound being played throughout the day, as well. Kinda like doing RC’s throughout the day.

It might also be worth trying this in combination with MILD.

I’m gonna try this tonight with some brainwave entrainment.

I can tell that, after two weeks of using the Brainwave Mind Voyages Part 1, I had my first LD last night.
Still have to train my DR, because I can’t remember a lot of it, but I’m very happy that I finally found something that seems to work for me.

I’ll keep on using it for a while, to see if it’s easier now to get more LD’s, will keep you posted :smile:

I’m going to try out something new:

I’ll use my own, special highlight-alarm from the ld4all chatroom to train myself to do a RC whenever I hear it.
[I might also add highlight to some other words so it would highlight more often]
After a while I should get used to this and I’ll create a new sound file that plays this alarm when I’m in REM sleep.
If everything goes planed I should hear this sound in my dream which then triggers me to do a RC inside the dream.
(If it doesn’t go like planed I’ll go to the computer in my dream to see who highlighted me :grin: )

This is only a theory and I’ll start with the research right away :tongue:
I’ll post any results when I finished the research to prove/disprove this theory.