Invisible border between regular dreams and lucid dreams

Tonight i thought “isn’t this a dream, yeah, it must be, 'cos the air won’t just disappear when too many people breathe”
so i understood that i was dreaming, but i don’t think i was lucid, can someone explain more about the border between lucidity and just dreams? or maybe link to somewhere, thanks a lot :smile:

Sounds to me like you’ve had an LD but with low level of lucidity.
That happens to me often. A good way to increase lucidity is to rub your hands, or sometimes I just like to focus on my hands and that keeps me “awake” in my dream, else I just slip back to an ND…

What works best for me is yelling “Increase lucidity 100%!” But like Flanker said, it just seems to be a low level LD. I’ve had a few of those and it can be a bit frustrating in the morning, but don’t worry about it. Its the beginning to having higher level LDs. :content:


You’re considered as “lucid” as soon as you know you are dreaming.

You probably had a low-level LD with poor control or something, that stuff happens.

Now, we could talk about the border between a low-level LD and a high-level LD. I guess this barrier is mostly broken through practicing, but you will probably continue having those low-level LDs after. Try to yell something like “INCREASE LUCIDITY x1000!!” or something like that, sometimes it helps getting better awareness in a dream.

Good luck.