Okay, so I’ve heard that you can meet your subconscious, which manifests itself in some physical form, in an LD. I’ve also heard you can find your dream guide, a recurring DC who can help “guide” or help you in your dreams.
My question is this: is a DG also a representation of your subconscious, or is he/she a different character generated by, but not directly representing, your subconscious? Also, is it possible to have multiple DGs or not?
It depends on your defenition of a DG. If you believe the DG is your subconsious and you summon him with that idea, he is. Because every DC is someone your mind, your subconsious, you created.
As for the other question - my first DG got killed in a dream and never came back, unfortunately. I found a second DG after that. Again, if you believe you can have more than 1 DG, then you can.